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Player's steam profile is not coming up on serverside?


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I can see them through Nitrado's server player list and I coordinate what I see with the list player command on the actual game, but the issue is that the player's steam profile does not show up on Nitrado's server player list even though he is currently in my server, albeit corrupted.


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21 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

You would delete their profile by going into the Save folder, finding the Players folder inside of it, then finding the files associated with their Steam64 ID, and deleting those files.  

That's the thing, I can see everybody else's steam profile through Nitrado's Players folder but his.


Do you think it could be something on his end because he's also bugged and unable to open any objects and interact with items when he joins the server?

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His player profile is most likely corrupted so needs to be deleted. On your server, go to Saves-> your current world name->your gamename from the server command line-> players.xml.  In the players xml, you should see three entries containing his steam id....delete them. You don’t even need to stop the server to do this so you don’t inconvenience other players. Afterwards, when he joins he will be back to level 1, starting all over. You can decide whether to give him xp and gear that he lost using admin commands. He will, however, retain passwords to all boxes/doors he previously had. Also, his map will eventually open up those areas he previously visited. I hope this is what you were looking for. In this case, manual removal of the files is needed so you can’t rely on any server tools installed.


If you still don’t see this players files, I’d recommend pm’ing a moderator like Sylen the players steam id and a copy of your player.xml file.

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On 3/11/2021 at 12:29 PM, Star69 said:

His player profile is most likely corrupted so needs to be deleted. On your server, go to Saves-> your current world name->your gamename from the server command line-> players.xml.  In the players xml, you should see three entries containing his steam id....delete them. You don’t even need to stop the server to do this so you don’t inconvenience other players. Afterwards, when he joins he will be back to level 1, starting all over. You can decide whether to give him xp and gear that he lost using admin commands. He will, however, retain passwords to all boxes/doors he previously had. Also, his map will eventually open up those areas he previously visited. I hope this is what you were looking for. In this case, manual removal of the files is needed so you can’t rely on any server tools installed.


If you still don’t see this players files, I’d recommend pm’ing a moderator like Sylen the players steam id and a copy of your player.xml file.

The files still aren't showing up, he's tried logging in and out multiple times and his three entities containing his steam ID still are not showing up. I can see everybody else's three entities containing their steamID's but his.


His character still loads in corrupt when he loads in. It's like the game does not want to register his data/steamID.

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Ok. It looks like a quest-related treasure chest of the player is bugged (with a smaller chance the world data at that place is bugged). And the bugged information may be on the client side. Seems we all forgot about client side data until now:


The bugged player should look into C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\SavesLocal\ and delete everything in there.


If this doesn't help he should start the launcher, use the tools tab and clean local settings (he would loose local games and all his settings as well with this and it isn't even sure it will help, so he probably should do a backup first).




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13 hours ago, meganoth said:

Ok. It looks like a quest-related treasure chest of the player is bugged (with a smaller chance the world data at that place is bugged). And the bugged information may be on the client side. Seems we all forgot about client side data until now:


The bugged player should look into C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\SavesLocal\ and delete everything in there.


If this doesn't help he should start the launcher, use the tools tab and clean local settings (he would loose local games and all his settings as well with this and it isn't even sure it will help, so he probably should do a backup first).




Thanks for the tips but still didn't solve the issue for him.

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