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Dialogs Question


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Heya peeps. I'm looking for someone with information on the dialog system. What I'm wanting is for a dialog option to only appear if the player has a specific buff. I currently have it hidden with a

<requirement type="Buff" buff="testbuff" target="self" requirementtype="Hide"/>

but the option is always hidden no matter if i have the buff or not. I've tried every possible setting i can think of. i've tried id="testbuff", i've tried both targets having the buff, I've tried id="testbuff" value="1".. I've tried value="testbuff". None work. The option to say this specific dialog is always hidden. Has anyone checked out using a buff check to hide dialogs? Any info would be lovely!

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17 hours ago, Telric said:

Heya peeps. I'm looking for someone with information on the dialog system. What I'm wanting is for a dialog option to only appear if the player has a specific buff. I currently have it hidden with a

<requirement type="Buff" buff="testbuff" target="self" requirementtype="Hide"/>

but the option is always hidden no matter if i have the buff or not. I've tried every possible setting i can think of. i've tried id="testbuff", i've tried both targets having the buff, I've tried id="testbuff" value="1".. I've tried value="testbuff". None work. The option to say this specific dialog is always hidden. Has anyone checked out using a buff check to hide dialogs? Any info would be lovely!



Dialogs can be a bit tricky. What's the full blurb?  This snippet should work:


<requirement type="Buff" id="testbuff" requirementtype="Hide" />


That being said, I do have a HasBuff in my SphereII.Mods, which is a DMT mod, that does the same thing. I'm wondering if I wrote it because the vanilla buff wasn't working.

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9 hours ago, sphereii said:


I'm guessing it isnt running the check on players or the trader themselves. I tried every which way to get that thing to work...  Kinda dampers my plans for this mod im workin on lol. Thanks for lookin into it though :)

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4 hours ago, Telric said:

I'm guessing it isnt running the check on players or the trader themselves. I tried every which way to get that thing to work...  Kinda dampers my plans for this mod im workin on lol. Thanks for lookin into it though :)

I understand. If you want to go with a DMT-style mod, I do have something to do what you want.

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