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Electric fence posts trouble


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Hi all! 


I'm having trouble with my wiring, and I've been looking quite a bit on the web and it seems like either I simply don't get something very basic or there is some kind of bug with my game. Hope you can help :D


I want to connect 5 electric fence posts to a battery packs. They are aligned, at least than 10 meters apart, all at 100% health and my battery pack is on the ground at the end of the line, with 6 fine car batteries in it. I connect the battery to the first post with the wiring tool, and the cord lights yellow. Up to now everything's seems fine. I connect the first post to the second one, and the cord relying them is blue (but the bout between the battery pack and the first post is still yellow). 


If I light on the battery pack and go through the cords (yellow and blue) and nada, niet, frack all happens.


I haven't tried it with zombies yet, but it seems clear from what I read that I should get shocked as well.


As for the other fence posts, i can connect them and the cords relying them are flashing blue as well and not working.


Some tip on what is or what I'm doing wrong here? Am I imagining all of this and I'm just somehow immuned to electric shocks?!


Thank you and have a great day!



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Also check the battery bank to ensure that you are powered on.  If you only have electric posts,  I believe the the wiring between the posts should be 5 W per setup (so for every two posts, you should have 5 W).  I could be wrong about the wattage, but you can check the wattage by using the wiring tool and pointing at the fence posts.  Also, if it is currently powered, the wattage will be in yellow.  If it isn't powered, the wattage will be shown in grey.

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2 hours ago, Iminimelanimo said:

I connect the battery to the first post with the wiring tool, and the cord lights yellow. Up to now everything's seems fine. I connect the first post to the second one, and the cord relying them is blue (but the bout between the battery pack and the first post is still yellow).


I think you have it right! The yellow lines are generic power (and they show the direction of flow). The blue lines are specifically to show electric fence lines. These also carry power, as you can see below. The power flows right to left through the fence line and to the 2nd light bulb.




I put the light bulb between the battery bank and the first fence post just so I know when it's on. Here is what it looks like if I walk into the fence. The blood spatters are how you know you've got a good trap!




Note that as zombies (or you) walk through a fence line, the 2nd fence post in the electricity flow will take damage. If you have a line of fence posts with one wire strung A -> B -> C, then post B will take damage when the A-B fence is crossed, and C will take damage when B-C is crossed.

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19 hours ago, Boidster said:

I put the light bulb between the battery bank and the first fence post just so I know when it's on. Here is what it looks like if I walk into the fence. The blood spatters are how you know you've got a good trap!


A number of times some of my fences have stopped working. I too use a light bulb but at the end of a circuit so I know if there is any break. Anyway, I'll notice that during a horde zombies are walking right through a fence. Afterwards I can walk through also with no damage. The bulb is on, there is no damage to the posts, but it dosn't work. Restart the game and this time it will work. Sadly, the only way I know to test them is walk through, but at least the damage is minimal.


I do get error messages in the console, "Simplex input points appear to be coplanar" which google says is a unity error related to the electric fences in 7DtD but that it was fixed in A18.

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Yeah, the fences have some weird bugs. It sounded like OP had just set up a new fence so probably it's not the glitch, but maybe? Here's a recent bug report about fence problems (not exactly the 'coplanar' error, but that error is mentioned in the comments).



Another possibility for non-working fences is that the electrical load exceeds the capacity. Unlikely to be OP's problem, but traps will stop working if there's not enough juice. I've hit this problem when I wired up a bunch of traps and everything seemed to be working until...the base lights came on at dusk. Oops.

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Thanks for all the answers!! Glad to hear this is more widespread of a problem and that I'm not just that crazy. I don't know if the bug might be related to this, but i installed the system in a building vinicity with my game partner's claim block in it.


I made him uninstall everything and I re-installed the whole thing, and now it works, i.e. I get shocked when I go through it. Magic! I will be testing it with zombies now!


Here is the set up in pics (it's the new set up but the old one that was not working appeared exactly the same).







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I take the compliment ;) They're actually very welcoming for zombies, it leada them right to our gu-- I mean welcoming door.


Oh, and it worked! For 2 minutes, about the time it took for the zombies to break it. I'll have to think about something else 😂

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