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An idea for zombie killing


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I have an idea for zombie killing that I am highly confident will make killing zombies more satisfying I already sent an e-mail to TFP about it. I originally didn't want to post a topic about it here out of fear of someone stealing my idea. But if this post gets 5 or more replies I will put up a post about my idea with lots of details.

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10 hours ago, Diragor said:

No Matter what it is, they won't implement it cause they already have a goal they want to reach. They're going for Gold and I think it's okay cause they can't add things forever.

Well I wasn't expecting them to add it in a future alpha I was thinking they could make it a DLC that we players can purchase off TFP website.

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11 hours ago, Diragor said:

Don't need to be a DLC. There was talking about a 7dtd 2 or a new game. If it's true that they will go for a second 7dtd it would be possible to add things like your idea :D

But yeah it could also be a DLC here some day

Well that's what I meant. but like I said if this post gets 5 or more replies I will post a new topic explaining the idea in detail.

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