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How to destroy your labors!


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Put it, mod! And after 10 minutes I deleted it!
What an idiot you have to be to spoil your work and play!
I AM VERY VERY VERY VERY! I want to see how YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lift and carry 100 kg. I really want to see a motorcycle in a backpack! :) AAAAA !!!!!!! Hercules!
Rave! If the developers entered the weight of the items, then it would have killed the game in the bud!
And then a ton of metal, well, that's it, it's easy! Have you ever lifted weights at all? Or heavier than his @%$#, did not hold anything in his hand!
Removed this nonsense and do not regret it!

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 . . . . . .  but you are playing - and then criticizing - a computer game which revolves around "zombies". . . . .  dead people who are somehow. . .  alive. . . .

Isn't there something ironic here?

By the way - this game has over 20,000 players online daily, and has done so, consistently for many years: it is strongly supported by the dev team, and strongly supported by thousands of "modders" and players - globally - all of whom get enormous pleasure and enjoyment out of playing it, creating and sharing those mods, and enjoying the online discussions, groups and friendships that have developed over the years since day one.

Rather than rip the "weight issue" apart here - why don't you study the xml code, do some experimenting - then write and share a mod that will fix this "nonsense", so that everyone can gain the benefit of your insight?  




(PS - If you're really concerned about weight - then take a look at Subquake's "Undead Legacy" overhaul mod: he does add carrying weight into the game.)

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