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7d2d disable dynamite & RPG?


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As some of you know I have just started my own dedicated server and had some teething issues with it, I had been previously on someone elses server and they had some kids come on with hacks and Dynamite'd majority of the buildings right down to the bedrock, they may of also used the RPG, So I know these are great to have but I dont want to have them do that on my server so can I kindly ask is there a way to turn off Dynamite and the RPG please? I have seen this done when I joined a chinese server some weeks ago they disabled both of them.


Thanks in advance.

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You would mod the game files to take these weapons out of the game.  At a minimum, you could comment them out in items.xml, but then you’d have to fix references in other files to these items.  Perhaps it’d be easier to zero out the block damage on these items.


But really, you want to address the elephant in the room and prevent hackers in the first place.  Ask yourself if you really want random people joining, and if not, put a password on the server.

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13 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

But really, you want to address the elephant in the room and prevent hackers in the first place.  Ask yourself if you really want random people joining, and if not, put a password on the server.

This very much.

Also, if you are not dependent on your server being publicly listed, you might want to consider toggling public visibility to avoid being in the line of fire in the first place.

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Thanks for the input guys! I think "Crater Creator" Nailed what I have to try and do and reduce to as low as possible the damage them two can do to the map, I will have a look in the Rcon file and see if there is anyway to do it unless you know? thanks once again.

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Look in \<install dir>\data\config\items.xml


For the RPG you want the <ammoRocketHE> and <ammoRocketFrag> entries. I think if you set the properties below to 0, you'll see no damage (though the players can have fun shooting rockets around). The numbers will be slightly different between HE and Frag rockets.


  <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="2500"/>
  <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="442"/>  (You could leave this one alone, if you still want rockets to hurt players/zombies/animals)

  <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="perkDemolitionsExpert"/>
  <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="200" tags="perkDemolitionsExpert"/> (Same here; leave it alone to allow entity damage)


For dynamite you want <item name="thrownDynamite"> and these entries:


  <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="3000"/>
  <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="550"/>


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22 hours ago, Boidster said:

\<install dir>\data\config\items.xml


<property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="442"/>  (You could leave this one alone, if you still want rockets to hurt players/zombies/animals)		



Yeah.  One downside of removing the damage is that you're decimating explosives as a viable weapon specialty, which could make the contingent of players that like that specialty furious.  Targeting only the block damage would make it a much easier pill to swallow, basically then only affecting those that use explosives for mining, engineering, or PvP base raiding.

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24 minutes ago, Crater Creator said:

Targeting only the block damage would make it a much easier pill to swallow, basically then only affecting those that use explosives for mining, engineering, or PvP base raiding.

With the side effect of making dynamite quite viable for base defense. For rockets, well, the flesh one remains better anyway.

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If OP wants to retain entity damage, just comment out the lines with EntityDamage in them. E.g. change this:


<set xpath="/items/item[@name='thrownDynamite']//effect_group/passive_effect[@name='EntityDamage']/@value">0</set>


to this:


<!-- <set xpath="/items/item[@name='thrownDynamite']//effect_group/passive_effect[@name='EntityDamage']/@value">0</set> -->


There are two RPG lines which are similar.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys, and So sorry for the very late reply.


Boidster the link is not active anymore, any chance you would  be so kind enough to send me it please? Thanks.


I dont have a lot of knowledge with scripts guys its a little over my head to be honest. I have just had to wipe the previous server as one night a few days ago unknown to myself and my clan some lads came on and must of used a hack and used Dynamite all the way around the Trader so no one was able to get to it as they had create a bedrock deep hole and about 20 foot wide...Its examples like this that I want the RPG and dynamite damage removed or reduced to almost zero.


Regards to the scripts above which some of you have so kindly shared with me your knowledge and I am greatful for that, Is there any chance you could explain to me how and where please if "Biodster" doesnt have the Modlet for me please?


Many thanks to you all.

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On 2/18/2021 at 6:56 PM, Boidster said:

Here's a modlet I made which removes damage from RPGs and dynamite. Basically does what I described above. Tested in A19.3. I pushed it up to WeTransfer - does not require any registration to download, but it will expire in 7 days.



Is the link infected with the navezgane zombie virus?

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Okay hopefully this will work better: link to Zero Damage Explosives mod.


On 3/18/2021 at 2:25 PM, Biglittle said:

Regards to the scripts above which some of you have so kindly shared with me your knowledge and I am greatful for that, Is there any chance you could explain to me how and where please if "Biodster" doesnt have the Modlet for me please?


1) Download the .zip file above (you do not need a Dropbox account; just close the sign-up window if it pops open)

2) On your server there should be a /Mods folder under the game's install directory. It's at the same level as the /Data, /Licenses, /Launcher, and other directories. If the /Mods folder doesn't exist, create it.

3) Unzip the file into the /Mods folder. It will add a folder /ZeroDmgExplosives in there; it should look like this:


/<install dir>
  ...other folders


4) Start the server and check the logs to make sure the mod loaded - you should see a line in there with "[MODS]" and "Zero Damage Explosives" hopefully without errors


If you want entities (zombies and other players) to still be damaged, use this version instead. Installation is the same.




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