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Localization.txt - what are these abbreviations?


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I am working to translate 7 Days to Die into Esperanto.  While looking through Localization.txt I have come across a few abbreviation that I am not sure about.  I was hoping that someone could share some insight.


For example:

rWoodGableQuarter = R Wood Gable Quarter   [What does the R indicate?  Right?  I never see an L for left, so I really wasn't sure.]


solidWoodFrameGableQuarter=S Wood Frame Gable Quarter  [The key uses the word "solid", so I assume that S is for solid, but why not write solid in the value?]


scrapIronFrameQuarterSCtr=Iron Frame 1/4 SCtr  [What does Sctr indicate?  The key contains the word "scrap", but it also has the SCtr in it.  The value doesn't include the word scrap, but it does end in SCtr.  Does SCtr indicate scrap or something else?]

Thanks for your assistance.


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