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Is there an Aim Assist or similar in the game?


Aim Assist  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about aim assist?

    • I prefer it because it makes the game more fun
    • I need it to accommodate a disability
    • I don't use aim assist in games and that makes it more fun.
  2. 2. Should they add an aim assist option to this game?

    • yes
    • no

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There's a host of reasons people may want an aim assist.  Perhaps poor eyesight or some form of disability.  Maybe someone broke their hand and aim assist would let them keep playing while it heals. 


I'm pretty sure justifying a reason to you isn't high on anyone's priority list, but try to open your mind a bit.



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There is no aim assist natively in the game and there is not likely to be as the way shooting works is that your area of hit probability shrinks and grows depending on whether you are moving or stationary and shooting from the hip or aiming. Aim assist would pretty much defeat that feature. 


Also, 3rd party utilities that might add aim assist features to the game are likely to set off EAC and get you banned from those servers so I would caution you against using those even if they claim to be invisible to EAC. Of course, if you turn off EAC and play on non EAC servers (or solo) then you can use such tools.

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I played on console long ago and it was actually more “fun” IMHO because it was so hard to aim. Like, 3 zeds coming at you was a real problem (especially if you were shooting arrows) You really had to be careful, and often had to run away for better positions if you weren’t.

on PC it’s a lot easier to aim and a little less “harrowing” at least for me, so slightly less “fun” in terms of vanilla to vanilla comparisons. 

I do believe this game is meant to be more the journey than the destination, and something like aim assist doesn’t seem to fit with how TFP has been building it out. 

now, for an “option” to turn it on, especially for people who *need* it to play the game, I’m not against this, but maybe only if it’s a single player game as if it were PvP everyone would have it on all the time. Another option might be to go into creative mode and give yourself powerful weapons so it’s 1 shot kills, to balance out not being able to hit anything :)


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use an xbox cpntroller to play the pc version. thats what i do 🙂

i am so so grateful that tfp have included controller support

 i used to be able to kick ass on keyboard and mouse on games but i is now old and slow and the controller lets me still play and enjoy it


i am a business analyst so spend my days behind a pc so it is nice to blob on the couch and smash zombies using a controller. get up from the couch holding right trigger whilst mining and stir the tea on the stove sit back down and havent skipped a beat.


plus rubber bands + controller = automine

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Yeah, I would never use an aim assist option because I like to be able to say "Vasily Zaitsev!" every time I head shot a Zambie at a range without optics :), but I do understand that some people might need that option for one reason or another, so if it's just an option that can be turned on or off, i have nothing against it.



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I can understand the need myself.  I suffer from Keratoconus so if I am not wearing my specialty contacts at the time, everything is blurry for me.  Though my aim sucks even when I have my contacts in and I am getting rushed by ferals or zombie dogs  😉

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22 hours ago, eXSe said:

Yeah, I would never use an aim assist option because I like to be able to say "Vasily Zaitsev!" every time I head shot a Zambie at a range without optics :), but I do understand that some people might need that option for one reason or another, so if it's just an option that can be turned on or off, i have nothing against it.



The option should be implemented as 'some code' first, and it is not in a planned expense by devs. P.S. Camper detected!

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I do not know if aim-assist is in this game or not, but I have managed rifle headshots when my crosshairs are 'next' to a zombies head (ie: hoard night or trigger panic).  Either I got lucky and the bullets 'drift' was in my favor or perhaps the weapon mods and perks add up to achieve aim assist like results, as in "close enough, call it a hit".  Shotguns are a whole other matter for me...can't seem to hit anything when they swam me and start bobbing and weaving.


I have observed the laser sight red dot does not align with the cross hairs precisely (some drift toward a viable target), so I'm thinking 'something' is going on there....or I am just so lucky I don't have to be good.

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10 hours ago, walkingwounded said:

I have observed the laser sight red dot does not align with the cross hairs precisely (some drift toward a viable target)

The red dot follows your "point of aim" precisely; wherever the dot is, you'll hit. The point of aim travels randomly within the area between the inner ends of the crosshairs. Sometimes that "sway" will work in your favor, usually not, but it is completely random. It has no intelligence to it.


Due to the way it paths, the point of aim remains to the very center of the crosshairs a Lot. That way it gives only slight errors to the aim, making it less of an issue as one would expect from the size of the crosshair. Essentially, you'll usually hit a lot more accurate than the area of the hairs would indicate.

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Yes, more options is always a good thing. 

I personally wouldn't use it, but that's simply my style. 


And no people wanting this feature arent necessarily "controller" players as someone stated above. 


I use a ps4 controller & prefer that over mouse & keyboard and I find it much more efficient.

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