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Trader prefab


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Last I knew, which is likely outdated by now, you could place the POI but the trader wouldn't function as a trader.


EDIT: But consider playing a game without traders to see how you like it.  It does had a degree of difficulty to the game, or at least removes a lot of shortcuts that could make the game easier.

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20 minutes ago, Maharin said:

Last I knew, which is likely outdated by now, you could place the POI but the trader wouldn't function as a trader.


EDIT: But consider playing a game without traders to see how you like it.  It does had a degree of difficulty to the game, or at least removes a lot of shortcuts that could make the game easier.

Yea I think I'll play on it because It's a really nice world and well it's ashamed if placing the POI of a trader doesn't work. But thank you for giving me closure on this topic.

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1 hour ago, Maharin said:


Do the traders you summon that way stick around?

On a few MP maps, I'll pop one in a pretty secure location if the demand is high enough, mostly for people to merch their loot.   And while the zeds can destroy stuff around them, the traders themselves can't be killed.  I also don't think traders attract spawns on their own.   There are actually two methods of spawning them, one used to be temporary, but the other is permanent.  I forgot which box to click for the perma one.

34 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

There could still be traders on the map. It bugs out sometimes and says that. Open the world's folder and open prefabs.xml. If there are any trader POIs, you can see them there. So you at least know if they exist or not, if nothing else.

I've heard this but never experienced it myself, personally.  Is there some other form of workaround for it?

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Very cool I'll be sure to try both of these methods and see if I'm lucky enough.

3 hours ago, bdubyah said:

There could still be traders on the map. It bugs out sometimes and says that. Open the world's folder and open prefabs.xml. If there are any trader POIs, you can see them there. So you at least know if they exist or not, if nothing else.

Thank you very much I was able to find there is a trader Joel and trader Rekt somewhere in my world


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5 hours ago, SwaFromSteam said:

Very cool I'll be sure to try both of these methods and see if I'm lucky enough.

Thank you very much I was able to find there is a trader Joel and trader Rekt somewhere in my world



If you don't mind cheating a little, you can open up the console and type "tp 863 35 1810" to get to trader Joel, for instance.  I've used the teleport command a few times in some maps because I wanted a specific starting point.

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7 hours ago, Maharin said:


If you don't mind cheating a little, you can open up the console and type "tp 863 35 1810" to get to trader Joel, for instance.  I've used the teleport command a few times in some maps because I wanted a specific starting point.

Yea I'll probably end up teleporting to each trader to confirm they are there because this has never happened to me so I'm a little skeptical about it.

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I'll answer the reasoning behind the "no trader" text.
By default, the game will send you to the closest trader in the forest (and maybe burnt forest)
However, if the closest trader is in one of the other biomes, or is greater than 3km away, then you'll get the 'no trader' text.

If you disable the forest only part of the quest, then you can get sent to traders that are in other biomes

        <objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" phase="3">
            <!-- <property name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> -->
            <!-- <property name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest" /> -->
            <!-- <property name="biome_filter_type" value="ExcludeBiome" /> -->
            <!-- <property name="biome_filter" value="wasteland" /> -->

            <property name="nav_object" value="go_to_trader" />

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