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Bugged block preventing placement


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Hey folks, got the following problem:

In my newly build base there are two particular blocks, that are IMPOSSIBLE to interact with. Although it seems to only be "air", meaning you can walk through it, cannot hit it with a weapon and dont see any graphics there, it is impossible to place anything. And by impossible i dont mean "it gets red when something is placed" but "you cant even target the block although nothing is there to prevent it". 

Its really frustrating, because its amidst my base exactly where i wanted to place my draw bridge =(

Things i tried to fix the error:

- Relogging / Restarting
- Digging away under it
- Blasting it with a rocket launcher
- Bilding a "Mold" and filling it with rubble/ water (Water floats on top/ Rubble dissapears)
- Placing a tree under it and letting the tree grow into it (tree wont grow)
- Placing a door into it
- Entering Debug mode, selecting via "z" and running"Recalc Stability/ Light" (Since the "K" button has been disabled in the latest patch i heard)

All to no avail.

If anyone knows a solution to this problem, that doesnt simply say "start a new world / build a new base/ build around it etc" PLEASE let me know. Its driving me crazy and really spoils the fun im having otherwise in this great game.

Thanks a lot


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Its a randomly created map in Voluya Territory.

Cordinates are: 1227W, 1599N, Elevation +58 & +59

Just loaded up an old save in Navesgane and checked your coordinates. Nothing out of the ordinary. Behaved perfectly normal.

Did with a fresh start game, too. Same result.

Seems to not be as easy to reproduce. 

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1 hour ago, Zhinrok said:

@FranticDan Hm, it may well be quest related, i dont know. How do i determine if it is?

@Jugginator Sure, which file do i upload? Guess sth in data folder?


Yes please, it will be in %appdata%/7daystodie

It will be in a folder called your map name. I can just generate the world myself with your seed  name you posted then copy your saved game into my folder.


I'll use it to investigate, and I'll see if I cant fix it in the process then tell you how to fix it or give you the fixed save game back.

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44 minutes ago, Zhinrok said:

Can you be a little more specific please? What files do you need exactly? 

Would upload the whole folder, but its bigger than 41.99MB.

Mbe this does it? 

PW: 777

Sorry I was short handed there lol. That's perfect.


One more thing, what was the seed name you used to generate that map/world size?


C:\Users\juggi\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds   and inside the Vouya Territory folder will be a generation info.txt file which will have the seed name if you forgot it. The Vovya name is different than the seed name.

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Hm, well, the "GenerationInfo.txt" reads as follows:

World Name: Voluya Territory
Original Seed: 
Biome Weight (Snow): 1
Biome Weight (Pine): 2
Biome Weight (Burnt): 1
Biome Weight (Desert): 1
Biome Weight (Wasteland): 1
Data Export Time: 3 minutes 23 seconds
Total Generation Time: 11 minutes 33 seconds

The "Seed"-Part is blank. I named the server "Bobbel" when i created it. Mbe that helps?

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So, turns out it was a strange phenomenon: the air block is caused by an invisible rally marker that didn't get cleared. Unfortunately the only solution I've found was to copy the saves to a fresh game on the same map/perhaps export and import your base first (just don't export the broken blocks). You can see this by pressing F3 with dm on and aiming at the bad blocks, the name will show up.

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