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I don't know if these things have already been mentioned above, so I apologize in advance if this is so.

I have played this game for years and I can say without a doubt that it is my favorite. Based on my experience, there are things that I would like to see in the game, some of them are ideas that have come to me playing other games as well. This is my list:


- Use of both hands. I would like to be able to use both hands of the character simultaneously. For example with the one-handed pick, it would be very useful to be able to hold the torch in the other at the same time, or to be able to walk with the torch while carrying a pistol. In the same way, it would be ideal to be able to use two guns at the same time. To loot, it would be necessary to have a one free hand, to be able to collect things, that could be a requirement that makes sense.


- Machine to level ground. It is very tedious to have to use frames to level the terrain where we want to build, you know, those small slopes that level out when you place a frame on top. A machine to do this would be ideal. Perhaps there could be a small tractor in the game for these things, to which this accessory could be attached, which at the same time would serve to remove the grass (another tedious task). Perhaps another additional accessory could be used to remove and collect grass and other things (cotton, chrysanthemums, etc.) and why not, the crops themselves too.


- The oven. Well, this has been mentioned. An advanced oven or at least something to replace the wood fire, even if it only serves the same purpose. When you make a more modern house, well painted, the wood fire is out of place, a simple kitchen of those that are already in the houses, but that is functional, would be ideal.


- Power outage. I would like there to be some system to cut the electricity. Right now, any activation system (pressure plate, vigilance camera, etc.) activates electricity, but something that could be placed in the circuit would be ideal to do just the opposite, cut it off. This would be very useful with the Demolishers. I want to create turrets that shoot zombies but stop when a Demolisher comes, to avoid activating the explosive they carry. I have devised systems that open a hatch in front of the turret so that it "stops seeing" the Demolisher and thus does not shoot (the Demolisher is easy to detect specifically taking advantage of its height), but the ideal would be a system that allows me to "turn off" the turret temporarily.


- Shoot from vehicles. This surely someone will have mentioned it. Firing one-handed weapons from vehicles should be possible. Even being able to drop explosives, at least from the gyro.


- Vehicles for more players. It must have been mentioned as well. Simple, to be able to take someone in the vehicle in online games. I think that in the 4x4 you can take another player, but it would be nice to be able to do it in the gyro as well and on the big bike (maybe a second bigger two-seater gyro would be nice).


- Remote alarm system. In the rust style, a system that warns us if it detects an intruder in our base.


- Small drawbridge. I would like a smaller drawbridge, in addition to the one that already exists, something more practical for small steps 2 or 3 blocks and 1 or 3 wide (to fit well with a simple door)


- Rope ladder. I would like a portable rope ladder that I could easily remove and attach. I like to step down the center of my base to create a mine, but I can't put stairs because the zombies detect it on horde day, they know there's a climb out there and try to break the base to reach it. So I avoid putting stairs and use frames to go up and down, but it is very tedious. If there was a rope ladder that you could easily pick up it would be ideal.


- Advanced electricity. I would like a more advanced electrical system that allows automating certain tasks, Minecraft style. Pistons, electric tracks with wagons, electric hatches but bigger than the 1x1 of now. Also something to build elevators, small and bigger. For example, I would like to make an underground garage with a large hatch and an elevator, all automated to store my vehicle. Logically it would be something very advanced in the game. I think we need some more incentive towards the end of the game because when you have everything it becomes more boring, there are no objectives, things to do or achieve and a more advanced electricity system would give you something to play with, ideas to improve your house.

I'd also like to have a push button, something that can turn itself on and off after a certain time, just like a pressure plate, but a button on the wall.


- Advanced harvesting machinery. At some point it becomes tedious to collect, you have to spend a lot of time collecting stone and minerals. Ideally, at some point you could create a more advanced machine or drill mods that make it much faster. Perhaps a small 2-by-2 tunneling machine would do double duty, collecting and creating tunnels, perhaps the size of a 4x4 car that you could sit in and tunnel with while collecting material.


I think nothing more at the moment.




(Translation done with goole translator)

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Another thing I forgot to mention, a new kind of zombie.


It is about a person who died by electrocution and when he became a zombie this characteristics remained in his body. He is an electrified zombie who can give you an electric shock if he hits you, which would be double damage, hit and electrocution. Unlike the other zombies, the electric shocks don't harm him, on the contrary, he recovers life when he is exposed to them. When it is about to die, unless you eliminate it first (like the police zombie) it will cause an electromagnetic pulse that will disable all electrical systems in radius of X meters for a period of time Y. This could disable all your electrical defenses for a time, during a horde.


I think a zombie like this in the game is interesting, it would make it more exciting.



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