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A19 - dedicated server stuck at "Generating Socket Data"

Dr. Eisenpimmel

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  • Dr. Eisenpimmel changed the title to A19 - dedicated server stuck at "Generating Socket Data"

Ok, your first problem is that the CPU you're using there barely skirts min spec. So doing basically anything will take ages. Your server is going to "lag" if it's under much load at all once you do get it running. It would struggle under a headless Linux build, but under Win 10 it's kind of like taking the wheels off of a wheelchair.  No offense is meant here, this is just how it is. You have a 2-core budget desktop CPU, and you really can't expect a lot out of it.


Your second problem is that your serveradmin.xml file is not usable by the client. Either it's a permissions issue, or something is messed up in your config. That's probably not causing you an issue with startup, but it will be a big issue later.


The final issue where it's "stuck" at Generating socket data. It's most likely still working hard to make that map. The issue is that you've only got two slow cores for it to utilize. On a server meeting recommended specs with 12 cores, you're looking at about two and a half hours to make a map. For your machine, I would not be surprised to see it take at least 24 hours.


Your best bet is going to be to create the map on a PC that has an actual GPU, and then copy the map over to the server.

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Well, A17 or A18 ran "OK" on this device back then :D But why doesn't it utilize all cores instead of scratching around the 25% CPU mark?




It's most likely still working hard to make that map.


Nope, its not. Issue found. This stuck was real.


<property name="AdminFileName"					value="..\config\serveradmin.xml"/>

I tried to store all config files in same folder. Dedicated did not like that.


Changed back to

<property name="AdminFileName"					value="serveradmin.xml"/>

Now its up and kicking all the CPU cores while generating worlddata.



4k World generation took 1077 seconds on this CPU

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4 hours ago, Dr. Eisenpimmel said:

But giving a path to store these configs in one separate folder would be somewhat nicer IMHO.

You can, but you have to use absolute path. This was a result of a change made in Unity.  You used to be able to use relative paths, but that changed around a18.

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34 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

The property "adminfilename" is specifically and only for the name of the adminfile and is not able to or intended to include a path.

The path is set with the property of "SaveGameFolder".

Right. forgot about that. I'm using hard links on Linux to maintain a single file in a shared folder.

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