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Please make more quests that do not require interaction with a trader


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There are treasure maps and that's about it now.  There used to be the simpler quests (like Nailing Chicks) that did not require traders to get the reward but those have all been changed to now require a trader in your world to get the benefits of doing the quest.


Some of us prefer to play without traders or at least have very few in the world.  Besides that, variety is good and some of the mini quests have no real reason to require the trader interaction.  Without traders these note you find are basically a scrap piece of paper and nothing special.


Thank you for your time.

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Some lonely dog come along your way. Once you are closer you notice some sign's at the flanks of the dog which show "Protect me from the bear!".

Once you clicked at the sign, a bear run toward you and try to eat you.

If the dog survived, the sign show a new text "Feed me!" and you need to give the dog 5 times some raw meat or can of dogfood.

Once the dog is satisfied you have a new companion.


But honestly, when you want quests there need to be a source for these quests. That mean there need to be some minor settlements beside the traders or wandering NPC.

Yep, i know Pimp wanted to add bandits and such kind allready, just wait. 🙂


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