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Idea to make Animal tracking more realistic


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Hi all, 

I don't really know if this is the place to put this. I was discussing with some friends and for us the current development of Animal tracker makes no so much sense. You start at lvl1 and you are able to find rabits and chickes, which have a small and faint foot track but not huge, bulky and heavy bears. That sounds a bit unrealistic to us. So our idea is that maybe it could be completely modified to something like this:
Lvl1: you can find all the animals, in a 30m radius.
Lvl2: you can find all the animals, in a 60m radius.

Lvl3: you can find all the animals, in a 100m radius.
Of course, the radius I'm providing here are a bit random, but they show the idea.


Thanks for reading even if it gets discarded!

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For the devs balance or fun gameplay is more important than realism. That can be seen with a lot of stuff in the game.


Your radius idea is a passable alternative though, no question. In direct comparison the current implementation looks slightly more interesting.


It has the problem that large animals are often very visible anyway. They might be open to the idea to therefore shrink all animals to the size of bunnies 😄



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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

For the devs balance or fun gameplay is more important than realism

That for sure!

1 hour ago, meganoth said:

They might be open to the idea to therefore shrink all animals to the size of bunnies 😄

I like that idea! 🤣

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6 hours ago, meganoth said:

For the devs balance or fun gameplay is more important than realism. That can be seen with a lot of stuff in the game.


Your radius idea is a passable alternative though, no question. In direct comparison the current implementation looks slightly more interesting.


It has the problem that large animals are often very visible anyway. They might be open to the idea to therefore shrink all animals to the size of bunnies 😄



A zombie bear with all its hp and power but thr size of a bunny.....no thank you.  Can you imagine running through high grass and getting mauled to death before you even knew what was happening.......😂


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22 hours ago, Valarauko said:

You start at lvl1 and you are able to find rabits and chickes, which have a small and faint foot track but not huge, bulky and heavy bears. That sounds a bit unrealistic to us.

Yep, it's unrealistic, but the other way round it would be absolutely overpowered.


22 hours ago, Valarauko said:

Lvl1: you can find all the animals, in a 30m radius.
Lvl2: you can find all the animals, in a 60m radius.

Lvl3: you can find all the animals, in a 100m radius.

Imho the numbers are waaaay to small. That makes the first levels of the perk almost useless, but useful numbers make it too overpowered again. It's a question of game balancing, not realism.

Imho it should be changed to being able to craft something that attracts animals.

Lvl1: little animal trap, attracts chicken and rabits. (increased spawning rate in 100m radius)

Lvl2: medium animal trap... and so on.


Note: It's not a trap you can just loot from time to time, it's more like a spawner. You still need to hunt the animals.

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