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Map coords for zones?


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Hello so after long time running after a solution to make my reset zones working i came across with them being input like this example : corner1="-8000,0,8000" instead of the way i was putting them wrongly with the region coords example : corner1="-1,1,2" but now i got another issue mainly where do i get these coords from? the interactive map displays only regions info and normal north east south west Example "126N,2000W" so what exactly are these coords and how to get them? example : corner1="-8000,0,8000"?? Anyone can answer me this please im probably missing something very obvious but like so many times stated before i just started messing with code and the games settings and functions so not entirely a professional in knowing every aspect of the options, features available and where to aquire that info is it in game? is it on the interactive map where the bloody hell does it hide ? xD hahahaha

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Middle of the map is 0,0 and it grows to the right and up, like any standard graph. So, negative numbers are south and west, positives are north and east.


Checking in Navezgane, trader bob teleport takes you to 1008 E, 1343 S; in the prefabs.xml it is listed as <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1008,60,-1343" rotation="3" /> .. the 60 is the height from bedrock.


That might help you decipher whatever you're trying to do, sounds like you're planning to use some tool to reset a part of a map?

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yea exactly trying to set up reset zones so i dont have to run around the map and do it manually i was just confused as to how can i measure these coords cause its sweet that i know now what they are for and how they work. But still seems very complicated to set thouse up i mean height from bedrock lol to much detail how is an easy way to get this information then?? is the only pain in the ass way to run on as admin around the map and note all the info there? because a zone should reset everything not only like you stated a prefab like trader as for prefabs there is a diffrent option/command so yea. i just want all the map chunks reset and stuff.

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Ive changed to the proper values ( i think lol) and the problem is still there


[SERVERTOOLS] Ignoring Zones entry because of missing Corner1 attribute: <zone corner1="1772,81,1660" corner2="-1412,81,1908" Circle="false" Name="RESET ZONE" EntryMessage="You are entering the RESET ZONE! DONT BUILD HERE!" ExitMessage="You have left the RESET ZONE! " Response="" ReminderNotice="You are still in the RESET ZONE." PvE="False" NoZombie="False" Protected="False" />

Seriously without any explanation this is a pain to setup or maybe im still doing something wrong but then on the other hand a clear information should be included in the file as to what values and where to get them because its a large time waster and alot of frustration!

Whats even funnier i got the same values in Botmans config and it doesnt have any problems for that zone lmao it work fine.

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Hmm.. it is missing Corner1, you've given it a corner1, it might just be case sensitive? Check that first. If that doesn't help, the tool should have examples somewhere, check their use of coordinates from there - they may have their own coordinate system, as in, that use case (resetting) wouldn't really have a use for the height, so it's a little impossible to guess from here.. :)


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