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Thinking about using logicservers.com/


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Does anyone have any experience using https://logicservers.com/? I'm thinking about switching to these guys for my server about 3 weeks from now. I've paid for a server for about 4yrs but the cost is really too high so by switching it would cut my costs over half.

I like the guys I use now and support tickets are usually answered really fast-it's just the cost. 



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Great! I like playing with a 4 hour 24hr period and just can't get that playing SP which is why I've had a server for the last 4yrs. I was wondering how fast they answer support tickets. Company I'm using now are usually really fast and I like them but I can't really pay what they want so I have to reduce the cost. Logicservers is gonna be less than half of what I'm paying now.

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