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7 days to die crashing on home page


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Hello, the last person told me to update my driver, I did and I'm still crashing.


Its a 2070 super.


Person said they saw no error in the logs but I'll send it just incase.


Is there any other steps I can take to fixing this? I updated drivers, disabled eac, re-installed, and verified integrity. 


(sorry to mods that I made a new thread, wasn't sure if older ones still get responded to.

output_log__2020-12-30__00-27-48 (1).txt

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You could have just continued in the old thread. It would have made no difference.


The game seems to shut down just when it tries to start the server and probably opening the server port. The next lines in a normal log would have been "INF NET: Starting server protocols", "INF NET: LiteNetLib server started", "INF [Steamworks.NET] NET: Server started"


List of things to do:


1) Follow this procedure https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/22305-game-stopped-working/?tab=comments#comment-405699


2) You could use the launcher (which you accessed above to clean up the settings) to also change a few of the settings. Just to have crossed every t.



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