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Ztensity's Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI)


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Ztensity's Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive

The Living Better Alpha 21 Edition - Quality of Life Updates for v4.6.5

(Permission Granted by UBB Author Hernan)








I have released version 4.6.5 of UBBI, which has made the following changes and additions:


  • I have removed custom campfire appliances in UBBI. Players must now download the optional Cooking Add-On in addition to 4.6.5 to get custom campfire appliances.


  • I have downsized the mod size of UBBI by compressing audio files, image files and video files so UBBI is less demanding on player storage.


You can install an optional patch for Sirillion's SMX. This patch is only needed if you decide to play with the 4.6.5 version of UBBI alongside the Cooking Add-On optional file.


Before updating to version 4.6.5 of UBBI and installing the optional Cooking Add-On, please destroy all kitchen appliances and electronics for a smoother update.





Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive is a new edition of Hernan's Unnecessary But Beautiful mod that was originally released on December 19th, 2019.


Originally wanting to add a Barista and a large TV, Hernan spent months designing code, textures, maps, 3D models and later compiling the files together to present a multitude of house buildables. Ranging from a variety of TVs, lamps, Kitchen appliances, cabinets and decorations to pool furniture, Bathroom amenities and beyond, he released Unnecessary But Beautiful. With the help of modder Hellsmoke a couple months later, recipes were created, which allowed players to finally craft these items for themselves in February of 2020.


Jump ten months later and I found myself inspired to take on my first major project with one goal in mind: increase immersion and make a somewhat fresher experience for players at the same time. With the permission of Hernan himself in early December that year, I began working hard to rebuild that mod.


Now, I continue to present the rebuild titled, Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive!


Download Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive Version Here

Download UBBI Cooking Add-On Here

Download UBBI Cooking Add-On SMX Patch Here


YouTube Showcaseshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEp9RXCi5fyLowfKIBXdI9A

Nexus Modshttps://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1242

Nexus Mods UBB Rebuild Journey Articlehttps://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/articles/177





Functional Kitchen Appliances:


In Alpha 21, you can store items in the various kitchen appliances like cabinets. However, if you wish to use these items like campfires, you can instead cook various foods and beverages at the Microwaves, Oven, Stove, Stovetop, Coffee Maker and Toaster by getting the Cooking Add-On optional file in addition to the 4.6.5 version of UBBI!


Not all things can be cooked at each of these kitchen appliances, but this should help increase immersion. Of course, you can still use the old reliable campfire to cook all foods, beverages and chemical products.


These appliances still require wood alongside sometimes a grill and a cooking pot. In order to cook, brew and make all things players will still need to learn the recipes and gain the right skills.





All items from UBBI can be crafted at a workbench. To craft lights, players must first unlock them by reading the "Wiring 101" magazines to earn points towards the Electrician skill and reach mastery of Tier 1: Basic Electricity.


There is no way to unlock lights early in A21, however you can find the magazines during your travels, for sale by traders and as quest rewards.


To craft powered doors, you must unlock them by continuing to read "Wiring 101" magazines to earn more points towards the Electrician skill until you reach mastery of Tier 2: Sensors.


Players can receive resources by destroying items with weapons and fists. However, you will be able to receive more resources if you use a wrench.


Players can repair items crafted by using specific sources from cloth fragments, wood and glass blocks to forged iron, concrete mix and leather.


Lights, Electronics & Powered Doors:


In order to turn on lights, electronics and a shower, players must first activate these items by using a wire tool.


Build a working shower, activate it with a wire tool and take a quick, hot shower for a thirty-minute increase to stamina regeneration, increased running speed and cold resistance.


Players can build working doorbells that will alarm other players in multiplayer and possibly get the attention of nearby zombies.


Unlike lights and electronics, to use the powered doors you will be required to connect them to a power generator with at least 3W of energy. With a slightly increased damage threshold, you can use these doors with switches, timer relays and other sensors for immersive gameplay once powered, fueled, properly connected and turned on!


In Alpha 21, you will find new items ranging from a decorative Ferris Wheel, pinball machine, arcade terminals and a handheld gaming device to vines, a bush, a poster, trash can, vent, newspaper, ladder and a much-requested toilet!


Miscellaneous Additions:


Players can utilize the garden bed, small bed and big bed as a bedroll.


For those using the "one block crouch" mod, they can use the secret closet door to sneak around their hideout.


You can build a working Chimney that once placed will emit realistic smoke periodically.


The immersive storage options also continue to be a staple in UBBI.


Is this mod somewhat unnecessary? Potentially likely, just as Hernan originally stated when he first released his original version. However, is it beautiful? If I have to ask myself, I'd say everything he created was absolutely aesthetic and now with lots of hard work, there is much needed immersion!





This mod contains over 250 items available to craft. Many of which were originally crafted by Hernan, and all cleaned up for A21.1. Just about everything you loved about the Unnecessary But Beautiful mod still remains.


However, in my efforts to increase immersion, I restructured the mod, thinned out a lot of code, removed offset items and others that I felt didn't fit the theme of UBBI and I brought immersive features like working lights, electronics and other fun things.


All of these familiar and unnecessarily beautiful things that somehow worked in the zombie apocalypse before, but are more immersive than ever, continue to work with the latest build of the game seamlessly. Who knew you could have such nice things while trying to survive every 7 days!








I can confirm for you that Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI) can be utilized in both solo (client) gameplay, multiplayer with friends and in multiplayer on a server (server-side).


In order to achieve multiplayer gameplay with friends, the mod is required to be installed on each person's mod folder in order for the game to not trigger any crashes or error messages.


Similarly, if you are hosting a dedicated server, both the server and all participating players (clients) must each have the mod installed on their "mods" folder and on server respectively.





The version of Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI) is only compatible with Alpha 21.1. There have been massive changes to the structure of the mod that allow for compatibility, while also making it look better than ever.


The version of UBBI will be listed under "Old Files" on Nexus Mods and is only compatible with Alpha 20. If you wish to continue playing 7 Days to Die on this older alpha, this will still be available to download alongside an optional Undead Legacy patch for A20 to allow for compatibility.


While I worked with Dwallorde in to UBBI embedded into War of the Walkers for Alpha 19, I can no longer guarantee compatibility support for any additional overhauls due to lack of time.


UBBI is no longer incompatible with UI mods by default in 4.6.5. If players wish to continue using custom campfire kitchen appliances despite the known sound bug, they can download the optional Cooking Add-On mod.


For players using UBBI 4.6.5 with the corresponding Cooking Add-On and they wish to use Sirilion's SMX overhaul, they must also install the UBBI Cooking Add-On SMX Patch.








To provide a little assistance, I thought that it would be helpful to provide a few tips that may help with using this mod in your playthroughs. See below!


  • How to Search for Craftable Items: In order to craft, you must be at the workbench. Once at a workbench, you can easily find each type of recipe you want to craft by searching for their name like "Kitchen" and "Bedroom." It is also easily possible to find all craftable items at once by searching "ZT."


  • How to Turn on Lights and Electronics: After placing an item like a "Floor Lamp," you must have a wire tool in hand. Next, you must activate the wire tool's rope on the lamp by pressing e, disconnect by pressing e and then viola, you should now be able to turn your item on/off.


  • How to Unlock Lights: In Alpha 21, you must now unlock lights by reading the "Wiring 101" magazines found during your travels, for sale by traders and as quest rewards to earn points towards the Electrician skill and eventually reach mastery of Tier 1: Basic Electricity.


  • How to Use Powered Doors: Unlike lights and electronics, you must connect a wire tool to a power generator, power it with one engine and fuel it with gas. Then connect the generator to the door directly or to a switch, timer relay or other sensor and then to the door. Once powered, you can operate these doors via switches for manual opening or via timer relays to have the doors open and close based on time of day.


  • How to Unlock Powered Doors: You must unlock powered doors by continuing to read "Wiring 101" magazines and reach mastery of Tier 2: Sensors.


If you want more information, refer to the Read Me in the modlet, which will provide a little more detail. Also refer to additional videos, which will preview the features shared via YouTube here or on the videos tab on my Nexus page here!








A localization has been put in for "useSwitchLightOff" and "useSwitchLightOn" to make all lights and electronics turn "on / off" immersively. This will also affect vanilla lights as well or anything else using the "switch" class property.


For the time being, anything using a wire tool will say "turn off" / "turn on." This means this mod will likely affect other mods that utilize the "switch" class that are higher in the list in the "mods" folder.


If you are making a modlet and you don't want your object to read "turn on/off" and you want it to have the vanilla wording or something else, make it load after this modlet by utilizing a "ZZ" in its title such as "ZZ-ModName."





Most assets including the Unity3d files for resources and PNGs for UIAtlases were all created, designed and published first by Hernan. With his permission in 2020, I presented a newer edition the mod with new features, more in-depth immersion and further accessibility across all downloadable website clients.


Originally, a recipes file was put together by modder Hellsmoke. Hernan uploaded his recipe file on 2/12/2020 as an optional download. I included the recipes and expanded on the Localization from the Unnecessary but Beautiful mod to not only keep these files updated for all players, but also increase immersion and make Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI) feel like part of the vanilla game experience.


I was given all original assets from Unnecessary But Beautiful by Hernan for A21 in 2023, which allowed me to increase performance, reduce load times and most importantly bring UBBI into the latest build of the game yet again. For version, I was given unreleased assets for UBB 2.0. I only implemented select items in this update.


To continue supporting SMX, I released an optional patch for UBBI that will ensure compatibility between UBBI's Cooking Add-On and SMX for players wishing to continue using SMX with UBBI and the cooking optional file on Alpha 21. This patch was needed due to the custom functional kitchen appliances that behave like campfires.


The UI seen in any pictures or videos from my showcase is provided by Sirillion's SMX modlet. His mod series continues to be a staple in my load order. Thank you Sirillion and his team for your fantastic work!








Of course, this mod wouldn't be here without the blessing and assistance of Hernan, however I also want to show my continued appreciation to the many folks in the 7 Days to Die unofficial Discord who have helped me to figure out many roadblocks over the years.


Thank you Xyth, Guppycur, Bdubyah, Ragsy, Mumpfy, Snufkin, TSBX, Zorro, Khaine, saminal, Artjom, sphereii, wrathmaniac, InnocuousChaos, chiko, Haidr'Gna, BeardMan, K1NGER1988, Ozmods, mageJosh, zilox, Dayuppy, ocbMaurice and others via Guppy's Unofficial Discord for 7 Days to Die's modding community.


Full thank you's are in my new Shout Outs file. I am truly grateful for all your guys help!


Join Guppy's Unofficial 7 Days to Die Modding Discord Server to join the community and get help playing with mods and creating them too!





Edited by ztensity
Updated to (Alpha 21.1) (see edit history)
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  • ztensity changed the title to Ztensity's Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI)

There used to be a video file (video1.mp4) that we could change/overwrite so the TV's would play our videos. I see that is no longer a feature. I had found a TV in another modlet that had sound location data so if you walked away from the TV, the sound would get quieter. I haven't worked with Unity objects but I assume you did in order to reconstruct this. Any chance we could resurrect the ability to play our own videos through the TV again?

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On 1/4/2021 at 9:54 PM, Ti2xGr said:

There used to be a video file (video1.mp4) that we could change/overwrite so the TV's would play our videos. I see that is no longer a feature. I had found a TV in another modlet that had sound location data so if you walked away from the TV, the sound would get quieter. I haven't worked with Unity objects but I assume you did in order to reconstruct this. Any chance we could resurrect the ability to play our own videos through the TV again?

Hey man! First off, thank you for your kind words. Somehow I missed your message. I appreciate it!


Secondly, I removed the video file because in UBB I didn't think it was working properly. However, I could look into adding a third version of one of the TVs in the future that can play a video and get quiet as you get farther from it. It should be possible to do, as I've worked in Unity with sound files and pictures so far. However, it may just require a little additional learning and help from people like Xyth and Snufkin.


I'll get back to you on that and it'll likely go on the back burner for at least a couple weeks since I actually just recently released a new update!

Edited by ztensity
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Hey guys, I've released the next version of the mod!


UPDATE 1.2.7!


I've added the bedroll feature to three different beds (per the suggestion of RazorEye) and I've added the light feature to three existing items. I've also updated textures for one lamp, updated the light feature to work correctly for another lamp and I've updated several other things including Localizations, recipe ordering and new bundle loading that should help better optimize certain game files for increased performance!


I've also patched the mod with an urgent fix to perk requirements for crafting lights to insure the functionality was working properly, a fix to make sure the floor lamp and small lamp work as intended, and updated the texture for the PC so it'll appear as intended in all load orders. Now, with this updated version, you can also unlock lights early before hitting the appropriate perks if you are lucky enough to find the "basics of electricity schematic" either through the trader or out in the world on your travels.


Check out the 1.2.7 update article on Nexus Mods for more details on this new version!



Download Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive Version 1.2.7 Here

Nexus Mods Version 1.2.7 Update Articlehttps://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/articles/178

Edited by ztensity
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Hey guys, I've released version 1.3.0 of UBBI now!

UPDATE 1.3.0!


I have increased immersion even further (if that's considered possible) with this next quality of life update! First, a feature has been added which allows players to use the wrench line of tools to disassemble a variety of items they have already crafted to receive resources in return. Next, players now have to use more appropriate resources to repair items as well from wood, iron, cloth fragments and concrete mix to leather and glass blocks.


I have adjusted the HP value of all items that are craftable in UBBI to be more realistic. Now, players won't have doors at 3000 health, windows that instantly break and so on. To this end, properties of all items now match much more closely to their element so that hitting wood looks like wood, hitting iron looks like iron, etc. With this, when items are generally destroyed, resources returned should also match more closely with a combination of how they look and also with what was required to craft them.


I have made sure every item has the ability to rotate in all directions. Decorations can still be picked up, but when destroyed, they return resources to the player instead of returning the entire item. This is also similar for select items that had similar behaviors. Names of certain items have been changed alongside the order in which some of them will appear in recipes as well. Finally, I have reordered/recategorized crafting tabs to make it easier for players to find recipes at the workbench.


Hours of work and massive code cleaning has been done to make all this re-balancing happen and make version 1.3.0 of Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive a reality! Also, the Gnamod compatibility version has also been updated with a more compatible blocks.xml and has also been brought up to date with 1.3.0 features!


Download Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive Version 1.3.0 Here

Download UBBI Gnamod Compatibility Version 1.3.0 Here

YouTube Showcaseshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEp9RXCi5fyLowfKIBXdI9A


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I found that while War of the Walkers appeared to be compatible with UBBI at first, there was a lot of work needed to be done. I had at first designed an alternate version of UBBI that is specifically and only for Dwallorde's mod overhaul titled War of the Walkers, or WotW for short.

In the WotW compatibility version of UBBI, quite a lot of things changed behind the scenes. From adjusting the perk requirements to work with an entirely different progression system and utilizing three different workbenches for crafting the recipes to Localization tweaks, added resource requirements for crafting select recipes and more, this is truly a fresh and new experience for those who enjoy UBBI.

Now, UBBI is embedded in the latest versions of War of the Walkers!



Edited by ztensity
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UPDATE 2.0.0!


I have released updated version 2.0.0, but before updating, you must first destroy and remove the following items from your inventory, chests and placed in the game-space: stove, oven cooktop, toaster, coffee maker, microwave, shower head, shower glass mirrors, shower sliding glass doors, toilet paper, bathroom towel and closet pieces.


In version 2.0.0, if you use Sirillion's SMX, you must get the new patch available for UBBI via optional files in addition to updating to the new edition, as various UI elements were created and adjusted for new features as explained below!


Download Update HereUnnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive Version 2.0.0

Download SMX Patch HereUBBI SMX Patch

YouTube Showcases Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEp9RXCi5fyLowfKIBXdI9A

Nexus Article: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/articles/190


Edited by ztensity (see edit history)
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Awesome!  1.) Teddy Bear is offset to its' left beyond the edge of the block of placement.  2.) Had to power the TV's and lights and they immediately come on and then switch off.  When trying to turn them on as indicated by the 'switch label' they again come on and then go off.  The 2nd TV (On the stand) can't be hooked up to power.  When I placed them initially - you couldn't turn them on or off which is why I added the power to them.


I love the addition of the parts for like the Stove!!! Excellent idea!

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6 minutes ago, Cadamier said:

Awesome!  1.) Teddy Bear is offset to its' left beyond the edge of the block of placement.  2.) Had to power the TV's and lights and they immediately come on and then switch off.  When trying to turn them on as indicated by the 'switch label' they again come on and then go off.  The 2nd TV (On the stand) can't be hooked up to power.  When I placed them initially - you couldn't turn them on or off which is why I added the power to them.


I love the addition of the parts for like the Stove!!! Excellent idea!

Hey Cadamier,


Thanks for the notes! I could definitely work on the Teddy Bear in the future.


As for anything using the switch class (lights, tvs, chimney, sound bar, doorbell etc.) you must use a wire tool. You absolutely should not be connecting these sources to a power generator.

Please start fresh by removing the power generator connections to those items, remove the items, rebuild them and then get a wire tool out, use the wire tool on the object when you see the 0W appear and then right click to remove the wire. Then and only then can you use the the object appropriately.


I want to stress, that even after you do all this, please do not connect to a power generator. None of my objects are set up like that. Think about it like your using a tool to get the wires connected, batteries in etc. etc.


I hope this helps. Again, I appreciate your kind words! I got inspiration on the workable cooking items from someone in the Discord!


View these videos from the timestamp chosen for more understanding:



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6 minutes ago, ztensity said:

Hey Cadamier,


Thanks for the notes! I could definitely work on the Teddy Bear in the future.


As for anything using the switch class (lights, tvs, chimney, sound bar, doorbell etc.) you must use a wire tool. You absolutely should not be connecting these sources to a power generator.

Please start fresh by removing the power generator connections to those items, remove the items, rebuild them and then get a wire tool out, use the wire tool on the object when you see the 0W appear and then right click to remove the wire. Then and only then can you use the the object appropriately.


I want to stress, that even after you do all this, please do not connect to a power generator. None of my objects are set up like that. Think about it like your using a tool to get the wires connected, batteries in etc. etc.


I hope this helps. Again, I appreciate your kind words! I got inspiration on the workable cooking items from someone in the Discord!


View these videos from the timestamp chosen for more understanding:




No Thank you @ztensity for all of your hard work!  My bad!  I just wanted to get this up and running ASAP cause our 'group' (8) loves this mod.  I'll follow your directions a bit later today once I get it up on the server.  So it looks like only the bear needs a bit of adjusting!  Thanks again and I'm sure the others would thank you too, but they don't visit the forms as I'm the proclaimed admin LOL  Thanks again and have FUN cause we will!

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Hey, that's amazing to hear! Feel free to drop any other suggestions or notes as you notice things or think of things. I'll be glad to think about suggestions for future updates!

I'll be excited that more people are using it and enjoying it :) Especially after version 2.0.0!

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Any chance that this is currently or ever will be compatible with SubQuake's Undead Legacy?


I have used this with vanilla before, but now that UL is updated, I wont be playing anything else for a while :)


No sweat if it isn't going to happen, mainly just curious because I love both mods.



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Hey man, I've never looked at Undead Legacy for compatibility. I'm not sure what it all does either. I can say that I wasn't intending on doing any other compatibility versions of UBBI post version 2.0.0 due to complications with UI adjustments and progression systems.


Currently there is a Gnamod compatibility version available on the launcher for UBBI's 1.3.0 version and a War of the Walkers compatibility version of UBBI's 2.0.0 update available on the launcher as well. Eventually, I will remove the War of the Walkers standalone download too, as Dwallorde and I have agreed to make UBBI 2.0.0 and beyond apart of his overhaul when you get it via the launcher.


Therefore, I plan to only continue updating the vanilla version with the SMX patch available alongside the War of the Walkers version of 2.0.0 as well. Gnamod will not receive future updates unfortunately beyond it's last released version of 1.3.0 due to the previously stated complications.


I believe that if mod authors of some of these overhauls like Undead Legacy and War3zuk want UBBI as part of their overhauls, I'd give them permission to incorporate the folders into their mod list and update the files for compatibility themselves. However, due to the amount of time an overhaul compatibility usually requires alongside potential UI complications and potential progression system complications, I am choosing to opt out of creating overhaul compatibility's moving past 2.0.0.


I believe that 1.3.0 should be more compatible with all overhauls as long as the progression system isn't changed too much and it uses a vanilla UI or SMX UI (with the SMX patch available). However, 2.0.0 just utilized new UI elements that make it harder to compatibilitilize UBBI with overhauls moving forward. I may eventually make my way back around to UBBI and looking at SubQuake's Undead Legacy, but for now, I will not be making any other compatibility versions of UBBI's 2.0.0 update unfortunately.


I apologize if this comes as sad news, just a decision I feel like I needed to make. I hope you've enjoyed playing with UBBI so far though!

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@ztensity I totally get it! I am not stressed either way and I hope you aren't either :)


Having dabbled a tiny bit (like a molecule in comparison to what can be accomplished) in modding, I have an idea of what something like this would entail and have no expectations.


Was just asking out of pure curiosity. While I must admit that it makes me a little sad that I wont be able to mash two of my favorite mods together, I will survive.

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30 minutes ago, Reckis said:

@ztensity I totally get it! I am not stressed either way and I hope you aren't either :)


Having dabbled a tiny bit (like a molecule in comparison to what can be accomplished) in modding, I have an idea of what something like this would entail and have no expectations.


Was just asking out of pure curiosity. While I must admit that it makes me a little sad that I wont be able to mash two of my favorite mods together, I will survive.

Hey man, I completely understand. Thanks for reliving any anxiety and stress I may have gotten there haha. If I circle back to it later and think it's possible, I'll definitely let you know!


19 minutes ago, Cadamier said:

Hello @ztensity So technically I'm finding that you need to right click with the wiretool and then left click to get them to operate properly.  Thanks!  Now its time to get it up on the SERVER! YAY!

Cadamier, yes I always forget how to explain how it works haha, but that's it! I'll remember that for the next time someone asks lol.

Very exciting man!

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