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Hello my server won't show in the list :-/


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9 minutes ago, Star69 said:

Personally, I would set Server Visibility to 0, not 1. If you only want friends to join then just put a password on it.

hm ok ill try that it really makes no sense how its not even showing in the lan for me lol

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2 minutes ago, Star69 said:

If I'm understanding the description, it won't show up on server list until someone first joins manually using ip address when visibility is set to 0. 

Well no it wont show up at all 😞

0 is not listed so I did 2 which is public but nothing still hmm.. I still like this forum seems helpful.

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Ok it seems like the following setting can not be changed at all.. I tried changing it and I got no error that this was causing the issue... I only added a little bit from 512 to 700.... no comments saying not to use it lol I tried to speed it up the transfer to my friends this seems to break the server from showing up in the list completely!! WOW


 " name="ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs" value="512"/>                <!-- Maximum (!) speed in kiB/s the world is transferred at to a client on first connect if it does not have the world yet. Maximum is about 1300 kiB/s, even if you set a higher value. "


Well thanks... hopefully this helps someone else... They really need to comment on this setting or just remove it..

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1 hour ago, getgcs said:

Ok it seems like the following setting can not be changed at all.. I tried changing it and I got no error that this was causing the issue... I only added a little bit from 512 to 700.... no comments saying not to use it lol I tried to speed it up the transfer to my friends this seems to break the server from showing up in the list completely!! WOW


 " name="ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs" value="512"/>                <!-- Maximum (!) speed in kiB/s the world is transferred at to a client on first connect if it does not have the world yet. Maximum is about 1300 kiB/s, even if you set a higher value. "


Well thanks... hopefully this helps someone else... They really need to comment on this setting or just remove it..

That only affects when the client is downloading the map the very first time. You would set it to adjust for your bandwidth. At the max rate your server needs a minimum of 10Mbps upload.  It wouldn't have any effect on whether your server shows in the list unless you exceed the capacity for your network connection.

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If your server is not showing up still, something is still blocking your port. I know you said you opened your ports but I would go ahead and carefully recheck that. There are actually websites out there that you can enter your external ip address and it will check to see if those ports are indeed forwarded properly. Since I’m not sure if it’s allowable to post website links on this forum, a quick google search will point you to online tools to check if your ports were successfully forwarded.

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