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I can't play offline ?


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Hello and Merry Christmas to everyone ,


So at my room there is no internet connection and there will not be .

Tried to play offline and it worked , but today the game does not want me to play offline , although there is an option when i start the game it doesn't let me click it ,

and it says something like ''no connection or steam is not running'' . . . . not exactly that but this is what it means .

I'm doing something wrong ? How can i deal with this problem , because even now i had to make a howl fight to come online and search for help.


Thanks in advance .

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On 12/29/2020 at 11:09 PM, Jugginator said:

You have to run Steam in the background. So, start steam in offline mode then start the game.

NO this is not the case . Steam is running but i have figured out that if you try to mess with things on steam that need connection , like store-friends e.t.c the game then does not let you play .

I have no problem with that , i just know now that i have to don't touch steam at all when i'm offline and everything is ok then .

Anyways thanks.

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