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[A19]No Chat——Don't chat on my server!


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Hello, I'm BBBBilly. Today I've brought you a simple mod, but I don't think most people will use it. It's only applicable to special servers, or you just want them to shut up.

Function: no matter you press t or change the chat key to something else, it just doesn't exist.
Note: this does not disable voice.


A friend asked me to do this mod, and I'm sharing it now. Seriously, what I think is that God doesn't let people build the tower of Babel and make their language confusing. Maybe it's inspiration.

7DTD_No Chat.rar

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Hi, have a question but it is a bit off-topic...:


Is it possible to mod the hotkeys from the debugmod (numpad 0)?


My problem is:

im the owner of a server and im a lefthanded person and i need the numpad keys BUT numpad0 (my crouch key) displays always the zombie informations (on, off, on, off,...)


It would be great, if you can mod that feature out (completly disabling it would be cool).



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15 hours ago, Slawa said:

Hi, have a question but it is a bit off-topic...:


Is it possible to mod the hotkeys from the debugmod (numpad 0)?


My problem is:

im the owner of a server and im a lefthanded person and i need the numpad keys BUT numpad0 (my crouch key) displays always the zombie informations (on, off, on, off,...)


It would be great, if you can mod that feature out (completly disabling it would be cool).



Do you have discord, sir? Maybe I can help you.

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