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Item Level Requirement for Recipe.


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When looking thru the Mod post, I thought i seen a post about this..


Playing around with making a Mega Auger for Late game, to cut down on grind of mining etc, and want the requirement to be like 3 Lvl 6 Augers to build a Mega Auger, but i can't seem to get the Lvl requirement, I can get the requirement for 3 Augers.


Any help greatly appreciated, or point me to Mod that uses this format.




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You mean, you want the Mega Auger recipe to not just be three regular augurs, but three augers of a specific quality level?


I don't think that's possible. AFAIK recipes can only contain references to item names (as defined in items.xml), you can't specify a quality level for those items.


On the other hand, you can lock the recipe behind a high-level perk, e.g. level 5 of the "grease monkey" perk. Look in progression.xml for the perk named "perkGreaseMonkey" and add it to the other recipes you find there.


EDIT: This should also be in the "Discussion and Requests" section of the mod forum, just so you know.

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2 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

RequirementItemTier:     target, tier, operation, value

^ that's a thing. But I dont know if it works on recipes.

I just looked in the decompiled code. It doesn't work on recipes. AFAIK it only works on buffs - that's where the requirement is documented.


Also, I discovered something interesting when looking in the code. If your ingredient has mod slots (as an augur does), and the mod slots aren't empty, then it looks like you can't use that item as an ingredient. Might be relevant to this discussion.

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6 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Requirements can also be used in items and progression, hence why I wasn't sure if that'd work on recipes.

You're right. It looks like requirements can be used on anything related to an effect (passive effect, triggered effect, or effect group).


But recipes don't have effects, so I don't think there's any way to make requirements work with them.


(There are also requirements used by quests, but they're not the same type of requirements.)

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