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Blood as a game mecahnic


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zeds can drop a loot bag when they die. Water is in the game.  I think it would be neat to have a dark/red/black "blood" that was like water that zeds would drop a bit of when they get shot/die.  Maybe with just head shots or some special case like when they despawn. Not a big blob like a huge block in the game (or a loot bag), but like what remains after pouring out a single bottle of water in the game today.  Maybe the blood/water eventually "evaporates"/despawns like a corpse if its an issue with blood building up and staying around, which limits a lot of the options below as "useful"



- POI design could be more interesting as you could throw "blood" all over an area.  I wish POIs had "more evidence of a struggle" in them ( bloody handprints, etc) but making these items as blocks/decor would be weird because you would have to "hit" a bloody handprint to remove it, and it would take up a block like a metal letter.  Using the paint tool for this fails as well because I doubt this could be a paint texture, esp. given how TFP has limited the paint textures e.g. there aren't hundreds existing and thousands possible via modding.

- Blood moons would be more immersive, have to clean up your base (maybe design to have the blood flow into something so its not everywhere).

- Shooting zeds in water might look neat as the colors mix.

- More recipe/trap options using this as an ingredient? Throwing a glass bottle full of infected blood could give infection. Having to walk/swim through blood does the same, etc

- It would be harder to make a permanent kill pit as it would start filling up with blood?  Base design and maintenance would be more interesting.

- PvP would be harder to "clean up" after yourself.  Eventually there would be blood everywhere.  it might actually be an interesting PvP mechanic (hmmm. someone was here)

- Blood spitter zeds?


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