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"Celtic Temple" - Base Design


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My final base design, day 109 on my single-player map... Used a modular 4-space stilt platform to make a 23x29 space on which I built a pseudo-temple base design. Above are two workrooms, one being a "hot room" for forges, chemistry station and cooking, and the other a storage and workbench room. Above those workrooms are a bedroom and study. I noodled around the sides using abstract designs and candles, created a reflection pool + gardens and mounted a few SMG turrets on the underbelly to keep the screamers away. I also added a cool Japanese'esque breezeway between the two lower rooms with a floral divider and openings on the roof for sunlight to bleed through. The entire thing is powered by a standalone generator (housed) off to the side, out of noise-reach, and sits atop a bluff at 132m so whatever makes its way up to the top gets polished off rather quickly. All survival mode.


My favorite feature of this one is my new two-forge "brick oven" design... love this.








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