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"The Corset" - Modified Jawoodle Corridor


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Have been screwing a round a lot on 7 Days due to being unemployed, and this modified corridor design is making life really easy... Figured I'd share. 


In addition to the basic wedge-tip, 6 blocks up design I've installed a generator beneath the last span with concrete guardrails to keep the spitters away. I added two light bridges to keep things visible, but the main addition is the electric fence horizontal "laced" design. I added wedge tip spans along the sides of the entryway, each with an electric fence at the end. Then, I threaded the wiring using the same technique we used to use as kids to horizontally lace our shoelaces... over one, skip one, over one, etc. This way, the horde slams into the first wire, gets stunned, runs a bit and slams into the next, etc. Mobs rarely get passed the third wire giving me ample time to snipe. I've also recently added similar wedges back by the tower, but positioned vertically so that there's three wires running up the exit point for any dogs and/or spiders. Pretty great design, has served me well 109 days and counting.






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