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My ideas for alpha 20


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I'm new to writing on forums so I probably wont do everything right, but for alpha 20 me and a few of my friends think alpha 20 wouldn't be complete without a few things. one of those things is to redo most of the old models and textures because most of old textures just don't hold up with modern standards at all, for example the military armor looks like paper on max graphics settings, the pump shotgun looks outdated and just a little bland, the ak just looks sorta low quality, the magnum is okay i guess, the leather armor looks really weird on players, the pistol and double barrel is okay, and most of the armors can also use some small visual enhancements. the second thing they should add/change is making it so most of the mods show on the weapons; for example, changing the weapon model and player model's animation to make it look like you are holding the weapon by the for grip and also the for grip exist. this one is just my personal opinion but a sword would be a really cool, I love the thought of running around a Shamway factory with a greatsword made from scraps chopping zombies in half. and also maybe another gun that uses 9mm maybe, like a new smg or pistol  based of the p90, UMP, or the glock 19(maybe renamed the glock 9). a grenade launcher would also be a very interesting weapon that would use either pipe bombs, molotovs, contact or normal grenades, and maybe even dynamite as ammo. for my last suggestion I think you should redo water, just everything to do with water; this would make water bases possible and zombie sharks(or zombie beavers) possible and bring so many more possibilities to building and exploring.

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Water is on their to-do list already though I think water looks really good as it stands. But it doesn't have physics (waterfalls, flat surface from player-generated changes) so that would be nice. 

For swords, Glocks and all sorts of weapon parts etc.... there are tonnes of them already on NexusMods (e.g. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/693/

On the graphics side, I think the plant textures maybe need the most work? I think they are using 2D sprites to reduce the graphics overhead but those sprites look 8 bit resolution and really dated.

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