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Powered Drawbridge design help

Dead Again

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Hello all you experts

I'm trying to get my powered drawbridge to lower when coming and going, but I cannot the correct placement for my motion sensor.  Any help would be appreciated.

I know it is possible because I finally got the correct placement for the powered vault door.

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6 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Hi, best way I do it is to have one motion sensor facing one direction and the other going in the other direction, and hook those two cameras together then hook one of them to the drawbridge or vault door/hatch.

Not sure how to wire it this way.  I went power, to camera one, then to camera two, then drawbridge, but I cannot get the drawbridge to drop.


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8 hours ago, Dead Again said:

Not sure how to wire it this way.  I went power, to camera one, then to camera two, then drawbridge, but I cannot get the drawbridge to drop.


That is because you linked 2 cameras in one sequence, so the second camera gets powered on only after the first one senses something. Cant see how you can hook 2 cameras at once...

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2 hours ago, Vampirenostra said:

That is because you linked 2 cameras in one sequence, so the second camera gets powered on only after the first one senses something. Cant see how you can hook 2 cameras at once...

Electricity in this game works differently than in reality. Sensors in series act like they are wired in parallel. At least that was the case for the last few years. I can't explain why Dead Agains circuit doesn't work though.



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13 hours ago, Dead Again said:

Not sure how to wire it this way.  I went power, to camera one, then to camera two, then drawbridge, but I cannot get the drawbridge to drop.

Is the connection between the cameras direct or is there a relay in between ? The connection between the cameras must be direct to pass through the signal.


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I tested in 19.3 just now. The power is directional, so it must be wired in this order:


Generator (1) -> Cam A (2) -> Cam B (3) -> Bridge (4)


(Edit to add: to be more precise, you have to wire the components in the direction of the arrows; you could do it out of order so long as the from->to direction is correct)


If you wire from Cam A (#2 in the image) to the Bridge, then only Cam A will activate the bridge. And the bridge will not accept two inputs, so you can't wire both cams to the bridge. Must be in series as shown. I've been playing a lot of No Man's Sky lately and electricity in that game seems much more sensible. There is only "supply" and "load" in that game, with no directionality except as imposed by switches and sensors. Of course said switches and sensors must have two connection points, something 7D2D lacks.



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On 12/23/2020 at 3:08 PM, Boidster said:

I tested in 19.3 just now. The power is directional, so it must be wired in this order:


Generator (1) -> Cam A (2) -> Cam B (3) -> Bridge (4)


(Edit to add: to be more precise, you have to wire the components in the direction of the arrows; you could do it out of order so long as the from->to direction is correct)


If you wire from Cam A (#2 in the image) to the Bridge, then only Cam A will activate the bridge. And the bridge will not accept two inputs, so you can't wire both cams to the bridge. Must be in series as shown. I've been playing a lot of No Man's Sky lately and electricity in that game seems much more sensible. There is only "supply" and "load" in that game, with no directionality except as imposed by switches and sensors. Of course said switches and sensors must have two connection points, something 7D2D lacks.



What settings do the cameras have?  I have the power, camera, camera, bridge set up, but I still can't get both cameras to operate to open the bridge.  If I run through both cameras, it will lower, but not just a single camera

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Hi, I wanted to zoom in and it made it blurry but this is the kind of setup that will work (there certainly are cleaner ways to go about this, I'm sure lol). You can aim the cameras anywhere you want, don't have to be pointing down that way. But the power source > camera > other camera > door is the basis of it. Works the same way for the bridges too.




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