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I can't make a workbench.


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5 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

Hi try re validating your files through steam, something may be off there.


Also post one of your recent output logs please (if you want just log in to the save, click craft and exit the game then give us that)


Not sure why (and I missed it and may still be missing it), but it claims you have a wrench but I don't see it. Grab a wrench and put it in you backpack, then you should be able to make it


I have it in my hotbars , is that a problem ? Or is it maybe because i have a mod on it ? I will try that first . . . . 

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4 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Okay I am tired and blind. Yeah it's because you have mods in the wrench lol it wont let you use it while it has mods in for safety


Yep it was the modded wrench xD . The funny thing is that i remember trying using another one but i still had the moded one at tool belt and it wasn't working .

Btw super support , i had an answer to my problem in less than an hour !

Thx to Liesel Weppen also.

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i have submitted an improvement/request ticket to have a visual identifier for such an issue. hopefully they can add what i suggest.

still not gonna be 100% fool proof because of human nature but every little bit helps.

QA Tester-unholyjoe

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