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3440X1400 only stretch screen


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Hi and thanks for your reply and suggestions. Scaling on 7 dtd profile? I only see scaling in "adjust desktop size and position" under Display, and that is set to "Aspect Ratio".

Using exclusive full screen did not have any effect, also tried window mode.

This is how it look, exactly same screen size in 2560x1440 as 3440x1440, stretch out and looking horrible.

Screenshot (390).png

Screenshot (389).png

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1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

This is how it look, exactly same screen size in 2560x1440 as 3440x1440, stretch out and looking horrible.

It does not look the same. Your screenshots show perfectly, that the toolbelt has the same width with both resolutions. That means that the image is NOT purely stretched! If the image would just be stretched on your ultrawide, the slots of the toolbelt wouldn't also be square anymore.


What you see here is the effect if you use the same FOV on two different aspect ratio screens. For taking advantage of using a widescreen, you have to increase the FOV setting.

However iirc 7d2d limits the FOV to 90°, so you may already be at maximum setting.

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ok thats weird, I never had to adjust fov in other games to get effect of 3440x1440, it just to setup resolution and bang there is more screen on the side.
Its a long times since I played with video settings in 7 dtd so I can remember wrong.
But I played this game for several years with 3400x1440 and I cant ever remember having this experince, that I need to do anything with fov. Also fov is not working great, if I increase fov it distort view on the side really bad.

Look at the church in this pictures, this is with fov 77, is it supposed to be like this? Even the grass get closer/further away when moving camera. If keeping fov around default the distortion on the side is kept low.


Screenshot (391) (Large).png

Screenshot (392) (Large).png

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1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

ok thats weird, I never had to adjust fov in other games to get effect of 3440x1440, it just to setup resolution and bang there is more screen on the side.

That's because many games calculate the fov from the aspect ratio of the resolution. But that doesn't mean that every game does that.

So i guess, 7d2d does not.


1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

Look at the church in this pictures, this is with fov 77, is it supposed to be like this?

That's common effect of high fov, if not especially compensated by the game/engine.


I don't have a ultrawide display yet, but from what you have shown, 7d2d is probably not able to handle ultrawide correctly.

Maybe someone else that uses ultrawide can confirm that or tell you what's wrong.

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Huh. I have AMD so yours will likely be different (unless you have an amd too lol) but mess with these kind of settings (far as I remember, Int scaling makes it look more crisp when stretching):





Try messing with those two, but no it shouldn't look like that. Is that your monitor's native resolution?

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Thanks guys for your replies. Im using native resolution, asus PG348Q 3440x1440.
I have tried playing around with scaling options in nvidia and nothing made it better.

It was suggested somewhere else to delete the 7 days to die settings, that there can be some bad settings somewhere.


OK I take a look at the other thread, thanks for the suggestion.

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