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Add Weapon Flashlight Mod to Modified Nailgun?


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How can I add the weapon light mod to a modified nailgun?

This is a nailgun modified to repair/harvest blocks very quickly, and I'd like to add a flashlight to it for nighttime harvesting.

It already accepts weapon/tool mods, but the light mod doesn't actually seem to do anything...

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15 minutes ago, EB64 said:

How can I add the weapon light mod to a modified nailgun?

This is a nailgun modified to repair/harvest blocks very quickly, and I'd like to add a flashlight to it for nighttime harvesting.

It already accepts weapon/tool mods, but the light mod doesn't actually seem to do anything...

You need to add your nailgun to this file and find the optimal coordinates for flashlight placementimage.thumb.png.a2c21198a5ca5c416a5e84337838da86.png

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Quick question from a noob to modding...

When testing placement, do I need to completely exit the game and restart it any time I change the file, or do I just exit to main menu and reload the save?

So far I'm not getting anywhere.

Here's what I've tried so far:

		<item_property_overrides name="PhDNailgun">
			<property name="SideOffset" value=".037,-.1,.16"/>
			<property name="SideScale" value="1,1,1"/>
			<property name="SideRotation" value="0,0,20"/>

Copied the existing code from the rocket launcher and been trying to modify the offset values, but so far I'm getting no light showing on the nailgun at all.

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With my limited understanding, I'm going to guess it's that the mesh file for the nailgun(this mod uses the default nailgun mesh) doesn't have some value to add a light to it.

I was able to figure out how to change the mod's mesh to the handgun, and then the light worked fine(once I corrected the values for the offset, of course).

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