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Armor penalty math


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So as much as Ive been playing this game only today did I sit down and notice that... some one cant seem to do math at the fun pimps Im amusing.. cause the stamina penalty for armor doesnt seem to add up. Heres what I mean. I have a stamina regen of 10.3 stamina per second. A leather hood takes away .57/s meaning I should have a stamina regen of 9.73 however when I put on the armor without any mods or skills my stamina regen drops to 9.46... thats .84 nearly an entire stamina point... Am I the only one that caught this? Or is my game just not working properly?

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10.3 stamina is your "modified" stamina regen.  -0.57 from leather hood is probably applied to "base" stamina regen". Based on your number, your base stamina regen would be 7 with roughly 47% bonus. 

7 * 1.47 = 10.29

(7 - 0.57) * 1.47 = 9.45


I didn't get the chance to load the game to check whether I can replicate it though. But 7 being such a nice round number, it would be quite the coincidence if that wasn't right.

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Also note that the game doesn't tell you the real numbers that it is using as it rounds the decimal place in the display but is actually using a much longer number in the calculations. Which makes checking the math very hard for the player to do plus some of the stats work in very odd ways.


Basically the displayed stats are just the semi user friendly version of the real ones used on the back end.

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