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Pipe bomb exploding in your hand


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I know the devs recently fixed a bug where when you threw  pipe bomb, the one in your hand also exploded and you unless you switched to another slot.


Yesterday I discovered that when you light a pipe bomb and do NOT throw it, eg let the fuse run to the end, it explodes but you take no damage...


I can't decide whether that's a bug or not.  I'd report it but perhaps that's intentional?


Is it a bug?

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Sounds like a bug to me, but it's one of those those things that could be considered a feature. Also, they're quite likely aware of it since they just "fixed" it. But, a bug report won't hurt. I would make it a "simple" one, just the description, since it will get a "duplicate status" anyway. Just be ready to do a proper one if asked to and make sure you're in vanilla etc... :)

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1 hour ago, Tahaan said:

The reviewers doesn't like it if you do a "simple one" so reporting it means collecting all the details.  And I get it.  I might have a unique situation and this could be difficult to reproduce without the full report.

Yeah, true. They won't mind if it's a duplicate, but I shouldn't be giving advice against the guidelines.

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11 hours ago, FranticDan said:

I recently learned, that choosing the "no player killing" setting, means you can't even hurt yourself from your own explosives, only molotovs.

ahhh so that would also explain the no damage with contact grenades aswell, i always wondered that

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1 hour ago, Jugginator said:

Nothing wrong with duped reports :)

Heh, yeah, easiest part of the job. :) And that's one legit way to read what I wrote, my bad; in the context I was trying to say something like:

"They won't mind (if the report lacks some details like CPU/GPU/etc) if it's a duplicate (as in, a known issue and will just be marked as such without further investigation)"

But yeah, that would be a little off the standard practices guide.

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