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A19 || No text bug


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Well, hello there.


I recently brought a friend to 7 Days. He's extremely hyped but unfortunately he can't play it. 

We've been troubleshooting the hell out of the problem and since I find no way around it I've come to seek help / open up a bug report.


He's using macOS 10.13.6 aka High Sierra.

The OS is a clean install.

Steam and 7 Days are clean installs (the latter got 3 clean installs by now).

We tried different Versions of 7 Days ... Conclusion: The bug starts to appearing from A18 upwards. Everything before that works as intended.


The bug itself: See for yourself.


You can press buttons and get to sub menus but nowhere is text to be rendered. 


I'd really appreciate help on this.


He really wants to play and just bought the game while facing this problem now.

We already spent half a dozen hours trying to fix it. He's been very patient until now but starts to feel a bit depressed not being able to join me on A19.


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High sierra is 3 versions behind the current mac os. He seems to have a laptop, is high sierra the latest he can install? Laptops often have very limited graphics cards, are you sure this one meets the minimum specs?


Please post a logfile from the game, the sticky thread in this forum part tells you where to find it and how to post it correctly.


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Resetting the font book sadly didn't fix the issue.


And while preparing to get a log file we faced another problem. After upgrading again to A19 the game refused to start. Obviously a bug occurring on older macOS versions in regards to 7 Days. A solution seems to be to delete and re-download the game. But since time was limited we instead tried to run it through the terminal file within the .app package. Sadly - though it started that way - it wouldn't create a log file.


Also his kinda old Mac seems to just have about ~380MB of VRAM due some integrated graphics solution. Though I don't think it is the reason for the missing text bug, it won't be sufficient to play the game at all.


So we decided to drop the idea of using this machine. Instead we are focussing to get it running on another computer soon.


Thanks for your time. We appreciated the fast response to our plea for help 👍

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