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sweeping spotlight


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i would love a spotlight variant that had a tighter spot but it swept back and forth like the junk turret currently does,  either in a pattern or randomly.


maybe choose a pattern and then aim it kind of like smg turrets


even cooler if it locked on a target and followed it 


options like follow nearest furthest or stay locked on current

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Someone (forgot who) managed to mod a flashlight to a junk turret.  I could see doing this with the turrets like you mention and turn off it having ammo (so it still needs power), or maybe the junk turret and the power is routed to the spotlight block. Not sure it would work, and I believe to get the light to be “more concentrated” you would have to edit the actual spotlight block to change the lighting effect/settings (beyond my abilities to do).  But..... seems kinda doable

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