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Sudden deinstallation of the game


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I was casually riding my motorcycle from a quick POI loot snatch when suddenly my game froze and closed itself. Seeing as riding motorcycles are buggy af and commonly send me a few hunderd meters up into the air out of nowhere I just assumed this crashed the game and went to restart it, however I found out that the whole game had suddenly deinstalled itself! I'm reinstalling as we speak, but this has never happened to me before. I went to check my disk space: 500GB of free space, so it couldn't have ran into a bug that I'm out of free space. Does anybody know how this happened?


PS: when the game has finished reinstalling I'll check if all of my saves are intact, if I can join the world alright, etc.

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Wow, I’ve never seen that. In my mind, I can’t see this as a 7days issue but more likely a Windows issue. If your pc did an update around that time, that could be it. Microsoft updates over the past year have been shown to delete files/folders for no good reason. Another thing to check is to be sure that your antivirus software is set to exclude your steam folder. 

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Game appearing un-installed is a common Steam issue. Game is still actually three, but Steam is screwed up. I forget the exact fix for it, but it could be as simple as rebooting your PC.


I'm more interested in the motorcycle issue though, as that problem has not been common for a while. Any chance you can post the log from that save?  Instructions are in the Sticky.



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Interesting, I did not know that was a Steam issue tbh, never seen it before ever. Huh.


Yeah the motorcycle issue isn't really related to motorcycles, I've seen it when a dedi server is dying and can't send chunk info properly and SP on my barely-meets the specs but slightly under laptop when I was doing too much but was able to keep going, kinda like the laptop gave up loading chunks and I was bouncing off the invisible wall. Never saw that in SP on my newer rig I built, but have on a dying dedi.


But yeah, log file would be awesome if it's still there.

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A quick google search showed windows update deleting user files here: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-kb4532693-update-bug-reportedly-deletes-user-files/. That was last February so a while ago, but I do remember hearing about it more recently on Microsoft forums, I just can't find any link. MS has shoved out some questionable updates over the past year that created issues for many users, some moving/hiding files, deleting files as well as problems where Windows 10 needed to be reinstalled to fix. I always delay updates until I'm sure no one is experiencing issues. I guess I don't trust MS much.

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18 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Game appearing un-installed is a common Steam issue. Game is still actually three, but Steam is screwed up. I forget the exact fix for it, but it could be as simple as rebooting your PC.


I'm more interested in the motorcycle issue though, as that problem has not been common for a while. Any chance you can post the log from that save?  Instructions are in the Sticky.



First off, sorry for the late reply, work's been killing me lately, haha

But I can't seem to find the log I'm afraid. I even tried looking at my saves folder, as it holds even my deleted worlds, but it seems the seed and everything related to the world have been wiped from my pc, I'm sorry. If I ever experience it again, which I'm sure I will as I seem to be a bug magnet, I'll make another post describing it, maybe even trying to get it on film.

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