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Farm Plot/perk problem


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I'm completely at a loss on this one.  If the tag that is used is "perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting" which is shown in the recipe:

<recipe name="farmPlotBlockPlayer" count="1" tags="perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting" craft_time="20">
	<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="4"/>
	<ingredient name="foodRottingFlesh" count="10"/>
	<ingredient name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowder" count="25"/>
	<ingredient name="resourceClayLump" count="100"/>
		<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="1,2,3" operation="perc_add" value="-.3,-.5,-.5" tags="foodRottingFlesh,resourcePotassiumNitratePowder,resourceClayLump"/>

Then wouldn't all I need to do is adjust the CraftingIngredientCount for levels 4 and 5 (assuming I wanted to decrease the ingredient count)?  I've attempted setting the xpath, appending the xpath, removing and then adding a new recipe .  I can't get anything to work changing levels 4 and 5 (they default to 0 for perc_add).  I've scoured these forums, watched videos, downloaded other modlets, etc. and I have not run across anything that shows me how much a simple dum dum mistake I'm making here.  Please help this dodo out.  Thank you.

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25 minutes ago, 00Prescott said:

I'm completely at a loss on this one.  If the tag that is used is "perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting" which is shown in the recipe:

<recipe name="farmPlotBlockPlayer" count="1" tags="perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting" craft_time="20">
	<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="4"/>
	<ingredient name="foodRottingFlesh" count="10"/>
	<ingredient name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowder" count="25"/>
	<ingredient name="resourceClayLump" count="100"/>
		<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="1,2,3" operation="perc_add" value="-.3,-.5,-.5" tags="foodRottingFlesh,resourcePotassiumNitratePowder,resourceClayLump"/>

Then wouldn't all I need to do is adjust the CraftingIngredientCount for levels 4 and 5 (assuming I wanted to decrease the ingredient count)?  I've attempted setting the xpath, appending the xpath, removing and then adding a new recipe .  I can't get anything to work changing levels 4 and 5 (they default to 0 for perc_add).  I've scoured these forums, watched videos, downloaded other modlets, etc. and I have not run across anything that shows me how much a simple dum dum mistake I'm making here.  Please help this dodo out.  Thank you.


Hi 00Prescott


I understand that perkLivingOffTheLand is only 3 levels, so it does not make any changes.
Or did you add those levels again?

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Without knowing what you tried, its hard to say what you did wrong.  I would expect this entry to work to reduce by 70% and 90% for levels 4 and 5.

<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="1,2,3,4,5" operation="perc_add" value="-.3,-.5,-.5,-.7,-.9" tags="foodRottingFlesh,resourcePotassiumNitratePowder,resourceClayLump"/>

You'll need to update both the value attribute's values and the level attribute's value, so 2 xpath statements.


When you get stuck on xpath, I recommend hard-coding your changes directly into the config xml, rather than a mod with xpath statements.  Then you can separate if its what you're doing, vs the xpath statements themselves being wrong.

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I often take for granted how much information might be excluded.  I started editing the XML directly so I know that aspect should work.  I think the hang up is in the syntax writing it as a modlet.  Im not at my computer right now but would it be a set xpath=recipes/recipe/[@name=farmPlot]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='CraftingIngerdients'] and [@level='4'] .... and it's about here where I get confused... how to I write it such that its adding -.7 and -.9 to levels 4 and 5?  If anyone could eli5, I would be grateful and I apologize for not being more forthcoming with the details and for my general ignorance.   Thank you.

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	<setattribute name="max_level" xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkLivingOffTheLand']">5</setattribute>
	<set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkLivingOffTheLand']/effect_group">
		<passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_set" level="0,5" value="0,5" tags="perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting"/><!-- fake crafting perk that is used to scale resources -->
		<passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,1,2,3,4" tags="cropHarvest,wildCropsHarvest"/>
		<passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="1" tags="plantedAloe1,plantedChrysanthemum1,plantedGoldenrod1,plantedYucca1"/>
		<passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="2,5" value="1" tags="plantedBlueberry1,plantedCoffee1,plantedCorn1,plantedCotton1,plantedMushroom1,plantedPotato1,plantedHop1,plantedPumpkin1,plantedGraceCorn1"/>

		<effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank1Desc" long_desc_key="Harvest 2 items from wild or planted crops. Craft seeds for flowers and decorative plants like goldenrod, chrysanthemum, aloe, and yucca.\nFarm plots cost 30% less to craft."/>
		<effect_description level="2" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank2Desc" long_desc_key="You can craft seeds for berries and vegetables.\nFarm plots cost 50% less to craft."/>
		<effect_description level="3" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank3Desc" long_desc_key="Harvest 3 items from wild or planted crops."/>
		<effect_description level="4" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank4Desc" long_desc_key="Harvest 4 items from wild or planted crops.\nFarm plots cost 70% less to craft."/>
		<effect_description level="5" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank5Desc" long_desc_key="Harvest 5 items from wild or planted crops.\nFarm plots cost 85% less to craft."/>





	<set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='farmPlotBlockPlayer']">
		<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="4"/>
		<ingredient name="foodRottingFlesh" count="10"/>
		<ingredient name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowder" count="25"/>
		<ingredient name="resourceClayLump" count="100"/>
			<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="1,2,3,4,5" operation="perc_add" value="-.3,-.5,-.5,-.7,-.9" 


Which I did this stupid recipe 500,000 times yesterday and it wouldn't take now all of the sudden it works.  I am absolutely baffled.


So, nevermind everyone.  I really appreciate everyone taking a moment to look in on this.  I'll post this modlet up on Nexus if anyone wants it (or you can CnP from here).  Thanks!

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Ah, gotcha.  Here, this does it.


    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='farmPlotBlockPlayer']/effect_group/passive_effect/@level">1,2,3,4,5</set>
    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='farmPlotBlockPlayer']/effect_group/passive_effect/@value">-.3,-.5,-.5,-.7,-.9</set>

Edit:  Ha, beat me by a minute!  Your way works too, but if they change the recipe, yours will overwrite it.  The above is more selective and less prone to breakage.  Certainly either way works, though.

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