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Feature Request: map should have labels/markers for some buildings/POI's


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Not sure where to place this, so...


I was thinking the Navisgane map should have POI markers for some buildings you have been close to (same range as the view distance circle for the map reveal maybe), like the Traders, Police Stations, Pass-N-Gas, Pop-N-Pills, Crack-A-Book, etc.  Not the generic houses though, just the 'special sites'.  Just the buildings that are few and far between or have special loot.  An icon system with pill, book, badge, gas icons (etc) would work well.  It could even appear only when you zoom in to avoid cluttering up the map when zoomed out.


I know you can add your own markers, and I use that a lot, but sometimes you are just in a hurry to get somewhere and can't just stop to mark the position, or you get too many and it clutters up the map.


Depending on how it is implemented it could even roll into randomly generated maps without issue (maybe as a special 'invisible' block, or a property of the main loot chests for these sites).

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