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Mod for rocket launcher?

Dead Again

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Rocket Launcher:
Cripple 'Em: 20% chance to cripple a leg on a bipedal target
The Hunter: +100% damage to living beings
Barrel Extender Mod: Increases damage, range, and aimed accuracy but more unwieldy from the hip
Muzzle Brake: Diverts the propellant gases to reduce recoil
Laser Sight: Helps with aiming quickly and increases accuracy from the hip. Press F to activate. Hold F for multiple items
Scope 2x: Increases visual magnification when aiming
Laser Sight: Helps with aiming quickly and increases accuracy from the hip. Press F to activate. Hold F for multiple items
Weapon Flashlight: Press F to activate, Hold F to activate multiple items
Rad Remover: Disables radiated zombies for 90 seconds
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