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POIs lods bug???


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Hello there!

I'm playing on 19.2 (b4) on the map I created under 18.*

It's 49 day now ( approx 12 day of game experience, i.e. 12-15 game loads )
I'm starting experiencing strange bug I've never see before.
It seems like many closest chunks loads with wrong POIs lods. 
I know /pois console command can "solve' that.
But I wonder is there any way to fix it, so I'll be still able to see distant POI lods? Thanks!



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Wasn't there a change after 19.0, too, where you should start a new map?


I have the same issue, but by far not as extreme as shown on the screenshot.

However my map is generated with latest nitrogen as of 19.2.


I never examined it in detail. I just assumed that relates to the known "ghost block bug".

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Here is the latest one log I found in the game data directory


Also one of my friends told me recently he has same issue on new created map after 3-4 loads...
It seems game miscalculates somehow the the current player position...

in his case sometimes it's happens right after save load and sometimes right on the place during looting the POI

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