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When is next Bloodmoon calculated?

Liesel Weppen

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I read on the forum that the calculation when next bloodmoon will happen is calculated at the end of the current bloodmoon.


So from what i read, if i change the bloodmoon settings, the comming bloodmoon still happens according to the old setting, only the following bloodmoon will use the changed value, right?


But i've started a new game with bloodmoon disabled and on day 3 i changed the setting to 7 days.

Now will the bloodmoon still happen on day 7, or is it first calculated after i changed the setting, so it turns out day 3 + 7 days = day 10?

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4 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

The value is calculated when you first start the game. Thereafter it is calculated at the end of each bloodmoon. So if you change the value, the change will not take effect until after the currently scheduled bm occurs.

Which doesn't answer what happens in the special case where bloodmoon was turned off and you turn it on. In that case there is no blood moon happening to calculate the first new one.


I would assume in that case a new bloodmoon is calculated EVERY night. (or they forgot this special case and Liesel will find a new bug)


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4 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Which doesn't answer what happens in the special case where bloodmoon was turned off and you turn it on. In that case there is no blood moon happening to calculate the first new one.


I would assume in that case a new bloodmoon is calculated EVERY night. (or they forgot this special case and Liesel will find a new bug)


I would assume that if it was disabled, then you changed the option to enable it, the next day would be calculated upon the server starting, and it would be in the log.

The log does list when the next scheduled event is right before the server goes live.

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9 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

I would assume that if it was disabled, then you changed the option to enable it, the next day would be calculated upon the server starting, and it would be in the log.

It is in the log, it says day 7.

So i'd assume it doesn't matter when it is calculated, because the calculation obviously then is based on "last day", which in my case was/is still 0.

At least if there is no next bloodmoon already scheduled.

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