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Game Stuck At "Game Starting"


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so updated to a19.2 as well as the dedicated server, and when i try connecting to it it gets stuck on the "Game Starting" portion of the load in when connecting to my server from join menu. It still lets me open console but it denies all commands but that tells me its not frozen, also i hear birds chirping and the tones that play when its a new day or horde night. Any direction i should go that anyone knows of would be much appreciated.


P.S. my friend is able to load in but not me. There pc is outdated in comparison to my configuration. Windows 10 as well.

im sad because i was really looking forward to playing. Saddest face emoji here

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Yeah, going to need better details and logs.  How are they hosting? What kind of connections are on either end? Did you exclude the client properly? Stuff like that.  The sticky threads have a lot of information, but no one seems to bother even glancing at them.


Edit: Logs from both sides will be wanted.

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