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Clarification on 7th day hordes


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Do the hordes scale based off heatmap, player level or just the number of days in you are? 

Does noise matter during a horde night aside from affects on the heatmap following?

Do 7th day hordes scale dynamically during the encounter based on any factor?

And lastly is it just an endless horde until 4AM or is there a finite number of specific enemies that spawn per 7th day?



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Scales based on gamestage (shown on player listing). Which scales by levels + days .. well, close enough, both influence it, not that linearly though.

Noise won't matter, neither in terms of stealth nor heat. I think the heatmap is entirely off during the horde. Not sure if based on time or just the last zed alive, I'd assume time.

During the encounter, not sure, but likely no. The later waves during a night are harder than the earlier.

Finite number, if you go for horde every night, you'll only get around 5 on your first night.

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Forgive me I do not have the numbers on all this but I'm sure someone will have the formula...


Do the hordes scale based off heatmap, player level or just the number of days in you are? 

Hordes will be based off of player level (each player), game stage, number of deaths, etc..


Does noise matter during a horde night aside from affects on the heatmap following?

It will not effect the 7th day horde (or what ever day it is set to)


Do 7th day hordes scale dynamically during the encounter based on any factor?

Just the ones listed in first question


And lastly is it just an endless horde until 4AM or is there a finite number of specific enemies that spawn per 7th day?

Unfortunately no.  Most hordes will end far before morning depending on player/group game stage.

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The game decides the number of zombies and the spawn lists to pull from based on your game stage a lone so no other variables matter. Now the game will only spawn zombies up to the cap that you have set in the game options so only that many will be alive at a time and more will come as you kill them until the horde hits its cap based on your game stage. It is possible to go through horde night with only a small handful of zombies if your able to avoid killing them till morning.

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Did someone ask for a formula?  Ta-da!


gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus


That's a bit more complicated than it looks though.  For example daysSurvived is (total days played - (deaths x 2))

And daysSurvived caps at playerLevel.  I.e. if you're level 4 on day 8, daysSurvived is set to 4 in this calculation.


I recommend you look in <7 Days to Die folder>/Data/Config/gaemstages.xml for a very thorough explanation, including how groups influence your GameStage (GS)

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8 minutes ago, alanea said:

Just dont forget that heat still apply ... screamers still spawn during horde so shuting down forges or using silencer effectively make horde bit smaller

This isn't true. If this were the case, then there would be screamers spawning several times during the horde due to gunfire increasing the heatmap.

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3 hours ago, alanea said:

Just dont forget that heat still apply ... screamers still spawn during horde so shuting down forges or using silencer effectively make horde bit smaller

No, they don't. I've never seen a screamer during horde.

The opposite is the case, i intentionally turn on all my forges and start tasks in the workbenches and chemstations during the horde, BECAUSE it doesn't matter there. Obviously also not if you finish the waves early until bloodmoon is over (4am)). But then i get a screamer shortly after end.

If i do that during a normal day i get a screamer like every 10 minutes.


And as franticDan said: Even the gun fire during a horde would be enough to spawn several screamers.


Edge case theory: There might spawn a screamer just a second before bloodmoon and so he will reach you/you recognize him first, while already in bloodmoon. But it will still be just only that one, but if he screams, he may cause a screamer-loop even during bloodmoon. Actually that never happened to me.

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11 hours ago, alanea said:

Just dont forget that heat still apply ... screamers still spawn during horde so shuting down forges or using silencer effectively make horde bit smaller

Not true, I've never once seen a screamer during a horde.

5 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Liesel Weppen I have quite some hours in A19 and until a few days ago, i would have fully agreeed with you on screamers during horde night. But i was prooven wrong. Saw some during the day 28 horde. They didn´t scream tough. They just attacked like the others. And it wasn´t at the start of the night, it was around mignight.

In vanilla? Sounds buggy to me.

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6 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Liesel Weppen I have quite some hours in A19 and until a few days ago, i would have fully agreeed with you on screamers during horde night. But i was prooven wrong. Saw some during the day 28 horde. They didn´t scream tough. They just attacked like the others. And it wasn´t at the start of the night, it was around mignight.

The model is being used, but they don’t have the ability.  I recall seeing this somewhere else where it was thought that they were calling in more zombies but not the case during the horde night.  Your  log will tell if they screamed.

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@JCrook1028 Vanilla on a Nitrogen map. It only happened that hordenight. I dunno, maybe they spawned right before 22:00 and got stuck somewhere between home base and horde base and it took them a while to get to us. I would have to check the rocks between the two bases. We moved the next day, but i will check if i am in that area next time.


@BFT2020 Possible as they didn´t scream.

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On 11/22/2020 at 5:36 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

Edge case theory: There might spawn a screamer just a second before bloodmoon and so he will reach you/you recognize him first, while already in bloodmoon. But it will still be just only that one, but if he screams, he may cause a screamer-loop even during bloodmoon. Actually that never happened to me.

Had this happen to a friend of mine.  He picked up 7 Days back in A15 or A16 on my recommendation, started a game and built a tiny wood base (like we all do the first time!).  I didn't realize he had 3 forges going by day 7, and a screamer showed up and saw him right at 21:58.  His first ever horde night was... frantic.  He was hooked after that, but the Day 14 was a huge letdown by comparison.


But back on topic.  Screamers don't really have an inherent ability to call in hordes.  That's granted by being in the scout spawngroup.  If they are ever spawned by other means (which I don't think they normally are?) they can "scream" but it doesn't call zombies.  Likewise, you can put any zombie into the scout group, and they will summon hordes if they see you.  There's just no scream sound.

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On 11/20/2020 at 11:58 PM, stample said:

Did someone ask for a formula?  Ta-da!


gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus


That's a bit more complicated than it looks though.  For example daysSurvived is (total days played - (deaths x 2))

And daysSurvived caps at playerLevel.  I.e. if you're level 4 on day 8, daysSurvived is set to 4 in this calculation.


I recommend you look in <7 Days to Die folder>/Data/Config/gaemstages.xml for a very thorough explanation, including how groups influence your GameStage (GS)

Or just press i while ingame and it will tell you your gamestage :)

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