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Is there a "random" value cvar that's set when a player spawns after death?


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Does anyone know if one exists?  I believe I can create one sort of but if it's already somewhere in there I'd rather use a built in.


Practical modding "Usage" thoughts of such a number/cvar:

I'm thinking something like a number, say 1-100 that I cause use in modded buff "requirements".  Having a random (player hidden?) number generated on each death could give buffs a "random" effect.  Say, if the number was 80 you could make a buff that when a player eats your medicine item, they only get 80% of the max benefit.  Think of it as "not all medicines are the same effectiveness as others".  Additionally, if a cvar exists like this, you could do all sorts of player changes based on it to make running speed, healing, digestion, etc. feel "random" and the player would never truly  know if they are a great runner or not until another player outran them.

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8 hours ago, Gazz said:

You'll have to create your own with a trigger.


Personally I don't see great value in dying over and over until I  get a good roll. (run speed can be measured and is arguably the single best stat)

Yeah, run speed was just given as an example of how it could be used. In theory you’d have more debuffs/random

stat globals so rerolling for one stay would just cause another stay to drop (if balanced). and I’m not thinking “run is 50% slower” I’m thinking maybe max “5% slower”. Just enough to mess with your hit and run timing, etc.


and if you’d be one to “oh, I’m slower, die and try again” I’d say just don’t load the mod ;) the point is to never know fully what your weaknesses are. Maybe you tend to bleed out a lot. Don’t know until you get hit and start bleeding out. 

maybe the “reroll  stats in death” won’t work as well as “random stats set at game start” because if you figured out your stay weakness, you can put points into perks to counter it. Would kinda suck to die and all those perk points are kinda wasted. 

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