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[WIN][A19.2] Steel Pickaxe not affected by mods.


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I noticed the issue playing with some friends, not me hosting, and later tried in my test world with both the server and me running the same map (not same save) generated with Nitro.

The server host is running no mods, and as far as I know my mods don't count, granted I have 

Adredens_Ore_Sight currently every line commented out, not changing any of the ores.

JRB_TZ_NoFerals, we're getting Ferals on the server

JRB_TZ_NoRadiated, we're getting Radiated on the server


The issue.

Got my hands on a level 5 steel pickaxe with base 96 block damage.

With my miner 69'er at level 5 this nets me a 240 base damage on a normal hit.

After I moded it with Iron Breaker, Bunker Buster and an Ergonomic Grip, I am still doing 240 damage to stone.

By my math the 15% damage from Bunker Buster alone should push me to two-shot stone. Applying the 15% as an additive value to Miner 69'er and applying it to the 96 block damage I have, should be 254 damage

Have not checked any of the ores/ metals, right now assuming they are the same since the problem seems to stem from the Pickaxe itself.

Also I have not tested any other tool, like stone axe, iron axe, auger or any of the other type of harvesting tools.


In case there are any issue with my report, please let me know to fill the gaps and do a better report next time.


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Went back to try and figure out what's going on. Saw the mods effect, so I had to look for something else that's throwing off my math.

Ended up testing the miner 69'er skill progression, where I came across the real issue.

Miner 69'er says 30% extra block damage every level, with 150% at level 5, starting with a 95 block damage pick with no mods I got:

95     level 0 Miner 69'er 

114   level 1 Miner 69'er -> an increase of 20%    -> should be 123

133   level 2 Miner 69'er -> an increase of 40%    -> should be 152

151   level 3 Miner 69'er -> an increase of 58.9% -> should be 180

170   level 4 Miner 69'er -> an increase of 78.9% -> should be 209

189   level 5 Miner 69'er -> an increase of 98.9% -> should be 237

Looked at progression.xml and it seems ok

<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".3,1.5" tags="perkMiner69r"/>


Checked the numbers on pickaxe, the only way this makes sense is if miner 69'er is giving bonus not based on block damage, but instead it's using the power attack value, which on my pick is 63.

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