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What is this POI ?


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Good morning.

So, I started a multiplayer game with my younger sister. While she's breaking down houses and screaming at bears, I've been exploring on a mini bike. 

Now, I came across a strange POI while zipping between towns. It's a circle of trees, that surround a rock formation, and has a broken pillar on top. Does anyone know what this is? I had that itch to dig, but didn't what to screw up a special event or something.

Thank you for your time.



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46 minutes ago, Danidas said:

Its a Indian burial site and if you dig it up has a hidden chest with the Taza's Stone Axe in it. Which is a really good unique stone axe artifact that is superior to any stone axes that you can craft or find in normal loot. 

I knew it was something special. Thank you.

Do I need a mission for it, or no?

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54 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

that was an undocumented easter egg (so-to-speak).


"Navezgane County Arizona, a "rare Eden in a world of devastation", is the main location in 7 Days to Die. In the Apache language, “Navezgane” means "Killer of Monsters."" from https://7daystodie.gamepedia.com/Navezgane



btw.... it does have a sleeper or can have one rather. :)


indian burial site.jpg

Thank you.

I knew about the Apache background, and loved that flavor of the lore.

I'm still happy with my experience, and now wonder how "immune" this item makes me  >:)

1 hour ago, Danidas said:

Nope, the game doesn't have a event system at all so no special events out side the bloodmoon horde.

Thank you for all your help, BTW.

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On 11/14/2020 at 12:54 PM, Gamida said:

I have also found the indian burial chests that had a lot of dukes in them instead of the Taza Stone axe


On 11/14/2020 at 1:49 PM, unholyjoe said:

me too... what i would like to see later is.... event set that if navezgane map then have the taza in it but if in rwg map should only have dukes as the rwg maps are not Arizona maps more or less. but it is what it is. :)

Did you dig under the main rock in the center? That is where the Taza can be found.

Update : 

The Taza doesn't make you "immune". 😆

I knew it wouldn't, but it was a fun thought. It's a shame that I can't make a display case to show it, but I'll think of something.

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