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Newer content as DLC


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I know they put out a statement and blah blah blah there may be a few "go read the blog post".  This is just an idea I had sorry if it has been brought up before. What if they could take the last stable update for PC and have it ported over to console as a DLC. That way TFP don't have to focus on regular updates for the game but could get people on console closer to up to date with where the PC version is. I don't know what the solution would be.  Maybe drop the price of the game down and have the DLC for like 10 or 20 dollars or maybe that's a ridiculous price who knows. All I know is that I still enjoy playing the game on console and would probably spend more time playing if I had more to do in terms of base building to survive a horde night.


Everyone that I play games with plays on a console, so that's where I am. I am not opposed to buying it for my pc, however, most of my enjoyment of the game comes from surviving with my friends, and honestly, I just don't think I would get as much enjoyment out of it playing solo on pc

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Your idea simply doesn't solve the problems TFP has:


They have no in-house console experience and they have no time to do it while they are trying ot finish the PC version. They also don't have the time to thorougly look for others to do the job and I assume there are no big console publishers banging on their door clamoring for the job. Lastly the old consoles can't even run the current PC version at an acceptable speed and it is very doubtful that the game can be optimized well enough so they can.


So their plan is to finish the PC version and THEN look for a publisher to port it over to (probably) the new console generation.


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That makes sense.  It was just an idea I had while texting a buddy about playing some 7dtd tonight.  I don't know much about the game engine they used to create the game.  All I know is that most games take a fair amount of optimization to run smoothly on consoles. 


I have enjoyed the game this long with the limited things to do on console. I would even be more than happy to purchase the game again once its finished and found a publisher to port and distribute it to next gen consoles.

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There is also the fact that the current version isn't capable of supporting the newer content. Unity needs to be upgraded for the console release. It still annoys the @%$# out of me that the update was literally a week or two away when TellTale went under, so we didn't get it.  It would have made a huge difference with a lot of a16 content being added, and the engine being upgraded from Unity 5.4.3 to Unity 2017/2018.  Current PC game is on Unity 2019, and will likely be on Unity 2020 in the near future.

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