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Player owned vending machines


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I keep seeing these in the trader and wonder about their use.  Are they just for players to sell to other players?  I really  like the idea of them but have only played on servers where we share things amongst each other so have never had the need to really look in to them.  I remember reading that if you put items in them there is a chance that they will be sold, to represent npcs coming by and buying things, but can't remember where I read that.  Not sure if this was real, something I dreamt, or possibly a mod.  Anyone have any experience with using them and can shed some light on their use and functionality? 

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25 minutes ago, Danidas said:

That is true as they do have phantom npcs that buy from them but they are very picky on the price and rarely buy. So it's always better to just sell to the trader and ignore the machines.

Thanks for the info.  Glad to see I didn't just dream that up lol.  I wonder what the mechanics are behind whether they buy or not and in what price range they are willing to buy something.  Also what frequency it checks to see if something was bought or not.  Going to have to do some testing to find out I guess.  To the Bat Cave... I mean... Zombie Cave!

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Can only post my experience about this, but I use it, (you can only have 1 per player even though each Trader has 3 available).


I tend to stack it with modded class 6 weapons/armour/tools, (and whatever else class 4/5's etc. to fill it up), come back in 30 days to about 150k to 250k dukes).


Just remember to retrieve coins and any unbought items before the expiry day, (day before), or you lose them.


Easy to test in creative, go into item spawner "U", select a load of class 6 weapons/armour/tools, (steel>iron>scrap etc. and motorised>manual), pay for the rent and dump the items in.


settime 30 7 0, (assumming you doing this on day 1 in a test game), and pimp yourself about with all the 100k's you get.............

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