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timeout every 20-30 mins on dedicated server


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I already tried a lot of solutions,also I removed everything 7d2d related and reinstalled it and i was able to play for a day without it kicking me. It started kicking me the next day again tho. Reinstalling everything didnt help this time.I always get a huge freeze before it disconnects me, I also get this freeze at the same time interval in singleplayer but it doesnt kick me. It's always 20-30 minutes no more no less.

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I believe that's the garbage collection. Does it always happen when you are out of combat, looking in your inventory or talking to the trader or such?


If so, i believe your only option is to decrease settings. For me on my old computer i had to decrease not only settings but also resolution to make it work. My computer was not beefy enough to handle modded coop. Every 20ish minutes like clockwork, i would freeze up, sometimes a mini freeze and after 30-45 secs it would work again, but usually a freeze then d/c. When playing vanilla solo, it would usually just be an occasional mini freeze with very rare d/cs.


When i got my new gaming comp, the problem went away, even on ultra settings.

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I usually get around 60-100 fps on medium, i already tried the lowest settings but i'll try changing the resolution later as well. I didn't pay much attention but it usually happened when opening inventory, talking to a trader and such (I THINK). I was able to play vanilla multiplayer without any problems. Also, we already tried p2p and lan as well, both without success tho.

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