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Dedicated server questions.


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Hello survivors! 


I and my couple friends want to play together. However LAN coop sucks, as if host have to leave - all of us will be kicked out.


So we decided to rent dedicated server, however I never done it - anyone can spear few tips?

I seen this website:




Anyone used it? Or if not what host you recommend? 


So could anyone recommend place where I could rent server and tell me how to configure it?

Do I need use some special serwer software, or I just input serwer name/password/options to their website and then just search for server in multiplayer in game?


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If you ask about reliable servers you should specify the country you are in. Not everybody will notice the "UK" in the link, and generally you want to rent a service in your country to get low pings.


If you rent a managed server, you will usually get emails with login data to a website where you can do some things like select the version of the game, access the configuration files or install mods. Don't expect wonders when problems happen, support is often on a very basic level.


The game will already be installed so no need to install yourself.


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