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Holiday Events?


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Are there any plans in the future to have holiday events?  I know right now during development that it isn't in the cards but eventually I think it would be awesome.  Like stuff that can only be gotten during these events, maybe skins for armor, weapons, and tools.  Maybe even different skins for the zombies during the events.  The holiday events in Ark are something I really look forward to and think they would be great in this game as well.  

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Technically TFP could mimic a service game, release a patch from time to time and make stuff happen at specific times. But it is quite unusual to do this in a SP game or a game without official servers and a quite low number of maximum players.


I just don't see the same impact of some skins to wear in this game compared to a game where hundreds of players are on the same server. Only story events might make sense (like a vortex, a flood, ...), but TFP is too small to develop such a thing and then hide it for 362 of 265 days of the year.



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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

Technically TFP could mimic a service game, release a patch from time to time and make stuff happen at specific times. But it is quite unusual to do this in a SP game or a game without official servers and a quite low number of maximum players.


I just don't see the same impact of some skins to wear in this game compared to a game where hundreds of players are on the same server. Only story events might make sense (like a vortex, a flood, ...), but TFP is too small to develop such a thing and then hide it for 362 of 265 days of the year.



If they have enough head room in the texture/model/POI files they could add decorations and different versions of the trader POIs that are swapped in between certain system clock dates. So if you load the game between those dates the trader POIs are swapped with ones decked out in decorations for the major holidays. Also in addition they can have them sell decorations and other items during these times. Even better would be adding special quests during these events.


In other words load the game during December and some traders will have Christmas trees out with lights while others may have Hanukkah decorations. Now if you talk to the trader they will give you a quest that rewards a present based on the max tier you have unlocked with them. Which will reward different items from a special limited loot table.


Grant it I wouldn't want them to do any of this until after the game has gone gold or have enough free time for it. Which wouldn't be too hard if it just repeats the same exact event every year as many of other games also do this even for single player.


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15 minutes ago, Danidas said:

If they have enough head room in the texture/model/POI files they could add decorations and different versions of the trader POIs that are swapped in between certain system clock dates. So if you load the game between those dates the trader POIs are swapped with ones decked out in decorations for the major holidays. Also in addition they can have them sell decorations and other items during these times. Even better would be adding special quests during these events.


In other words load the game during December and some traders will have Christmas trees out with lights while others may have Hanukkah decorations. Now if you talk to the trader they will give you a quest that rewards a present based on the max tier you have unlocked with them. Which will reward different items from a special limited loot table.


Grant it I wouldn't want them to do any of this until after the game has gone gold or have enough free time for it. Which wouldn't be too hard if it just repeats the same exact event every year as many of other games also do this even for single player.


Which games with SP are you thinking of outside of AAA?


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  • 3 months later...

Some natural events would be a perfect response to this request @Moderators.. Such as a volcano that erupts, but not too close to player built structures.

\\ Volcanoes would erupt on higher lvl locations such as naturally high mountains providing a lava pew that can be mined for precious materials including gold and gems and iron. You can even be providing a warning that a volcano is about to erupt nearby and you are in a potentially dangerous area.  Volcanoes can petrify trees making them give you coal instead of wood (that would be completely awesome.

\\ Lightning storms would also be cool. They can electrify zombies and make them have special (unknown) features (to be determined by you)

\\ Holiday events are possible, just not in the same aspect as ark would be.

Say for example, every 365 days the game would provide its Christmas Event, (Santa's slay would drop an airdrop off directly to you providing a lvl 600 gun and a full block of ammo for it), During this day, each trader could have special items available.. ie. Full blocks of Nitrate or gunpowder available for purchase at a discounted price. All basic items in trader could be 50% off for christmas events.. Besides, not too many people make it 365 days on a server.


The game could also use more customization at main menu or pause menu.

It would be nice to have a mode that zombies never run like all star athletes but also not be completely the easiest mode, an option to make them harder to kill or hit harder.

An option to restart a world/seed in case something bad happened and you dont want to completely delete the world.

An option to refresh the traders to fix any potential bug that is preventing people from using them.

An option to build a manual save point. This is incase of a major bug that erases parts of your base and cause you to lose everything--1 save slot is acceptable

---There can be limitations on manual saves too, ie. 1 save per week maximum.. This will prevent people from trying to use it for exploitation purposes.

An option to control the size and amount of water bodies provided on map upon creation.

An option to attempt to control the average biome around hub city (heat control knob) or something to that nature.

Make keystone days a thing.... Day 100, 200, 300.

There are so many things this game has the potential to do that can trump ARK, screw ARK


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